School of PowerShell

I've been waiting patiently for the next lesson! One thing I found out recently that is so handy is to type 'Start-Transcript' when you open the shell. This will log the whole output of the console to a text file in my documents. Better still you can add it to the profile.ps1 file.
Glad you guys like it :)

I have written the second half of Lesson 5 now which covers the use of IF statements, and the Switch statement too.

I don't have a blog or website at the moment, so this code is just here for now. I am saving cash so don't want to be spending monies on web hosting or anything at the moment.

I hope to be able to actually cover some Script writing in the next Lesson now, that is the ultimate end game to all of the stuff I've covered here already.
Added most of Lesson 6. I will revisit it later for the last two sections.

If anyone wants to see any real world script examples in Lesson 7 let me know what you'd like to see. If it's simple enough I will add something so you can see how I'd tackle it.

Lesson 7 will be the last in this series, there are many more topics but ultimately I would be here all year if I tried to do all of them, this should be a good basis for learning, then using Google resources to further your own skills :)
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