Sci-fi films that make you think

5 Dec 2003
Or have some kind of ethical/moral thing to say, some examples:

Blade Runner
Minority Report

I know some aren't the best sci-fi films of all time but they are what I like. I was inspired to create this Fred after reading an article on the BBC about robot ethics which was really interesting.
Anything that takes from authors like Harry Harrison, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick (Minority Report and Bladerunner being two of his) etc.

Other than those already mentioned:
  • Fahrenheit 451 (or Equilibrium for the MTV generation)
  • A Scanner Darkly
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Soylent Green
Has to be...

  • Donnie Darko
  • Solaris

oh my god Solaris, made me think it could be that cr@p, watched it twice, completly bemused, watch the 4 squillion hours of extras, still cr@p!!!
Althought many might dismiss it as just an action film, I always found Total Recall to be very profound, and perhaps one of the cleverest representations of a possible near future ever put to film, if one ignores the alien element of the story...although even that could conceivably turn out to be prophetic if it ever transpires there was once a civilization on Mars.

I think it was set in around 2075, and it seems to me that the future it shows really could be close to what we'll actually have in that era.

Aside from that, it shows how too much power put into one man's hands can lead to misery and suffering for the people in his domain.
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