Sci-fi films that make you think

I think the scene in Contact where Jodie Foster finally passes through the wormhole and sees her father is probably the most beautifully moving sci-fi scene ever; I felt all tingly inside when I first saw that. The movie itself deals with the old age battle between science and religion.
titaniumx3 said:
I think the scene in Contact where Jodie Foster finally passes through the wormhole and sees her father is probably the most beautifully moving sci-fi scene ever; I felt all tingly inside when I first saw that. The movie itself deals with the old age battle between science and religion.
Personally I thought that scene let the entire film down.
I'm not saying Foster's character should have been greeted by a pack of dribbling xenomorphs but something other than her father would have been better.
Domo said:
Personally I thought that scene let the entire film down.
I'm not saying Foster's character should have been greeted by a pack of dribbling xenomorphs but something other than her father would have been better.

I see what you mean, but for me it was the apex of the movie. It sort of bought everything in the movie "full circle". It also makes you ponder what exactly the next stage of human evolution really involves; is it just a matter of ever increasing technology or is there more to it?
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Tru said:
Contact for sure.

Capricorn One - 2 hours of pure 70s awesomeness with Elliot Gould, the most under-rated actor ever. Surprised it's not been mentioned, it's a brilliant film.

Telly Savalas stole that film! 'Pervert!' :D

Never really 'got' Contact tbh. The film just annoyed me. Then again perhaps it was Jodie Foster...
Docaroo said:
My take on it is this, in a nutshell:

Donnie sees his "chosen" path - let's say "destiny" or "god's will" as an abstract, and see's that by deviating from his destiny life for others (specifically the girl) will be FAR worse....

In the end, he knows his fate, but knows if he deviates from it he makes her suffer and life for many other people turns out for the worse. So he looks up to his ceiling and smiles knowing that this is his path, and he is bound to it, knowing that he will die so that she may live....

Discuss. :cool:

Indeed, donnie darko is all about self sacrifice, with a sprinkle of delicious sci-fi wormhole goodness.
I've watched it more than 5 times and still find things i didnt notice before.

Mars attacks makes you think. It makes you think, man that was a **** movie.
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