Science V Religion

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25 Oct 2010
here and there....
First there was Ptolemy, he suggested the the earth was the centre of the universe. The church loved the idea, yes we are!

Then there was Copernicus, by observing elliptical orbits of other planets he could confirm that the Sun was the centre of the Universe.
Church: Oh ok, the Sun is the centre of the universe.

Then there was Gallileo who saw something orbiting Jupiter.
This could only mean that neither the sun or the earth was the centre of the universe. The church threw him in jail for the rest of his life.

Science says - church listens but does not hear. Nor see, as the blindfold is too thick.

What did i here on the news today.... Churches bombed in Iraq, priests kidnapped and murdered.
Bombs found at airport mailed to Jews in the US....

I know first hand that religous people are blind, small minded, self assured, blinker wearing morons who need to open their eyes and start thinking.
I know first hand that religous people are blind, small minded, self assured, blinker wearing morons who need to open their eyes and start thinking.

Wow... you sound like a blind, small minded, self assured, blinkered moron who needs to open your eyes and start thinking.

What percentage of religious people today opposed Ptolemy/Copernicus/Gallileo? And what percentage of religious people today are bombing/murdering each other? I'm pretty sure it falls somewhere short of 100%
how can you generalise every religious person with what you saw a few people doing on the news

That was my first thought.

I think this thread will get shut down soon due to topic. I know its spoken about freely, but I can bet people will start going over the top.

However, can the original poster please explain his/her point they are trying to make?
What is your argument?
The church knows that the Earth isn't the centre of the Universe.
The Catholic church has even got a spokesman for Aliens now.
Science v religion thread #90231

I know first hand that religous people are blind, small minded, self assured, blinker wearing morons who need to open their eyes and start thinking.

Well thanks for the personality assesment, I was clearly fooling myself up until this point.

I could say the same about non-religious people, but I won't. Because it'd be a massive generalisation and completely untrue.
And what percentage of religious people today are bombing/murdering each other? I'm pretty sure it falls somewhere short of 100%
Yeah, but the religious people wouldn't be able to blow people up if it weren't for scientists. They're working hand-in-hand, I tell ya! It's a conspiracy!!

That is just like all the virus developers that companies like McAfee and Symantec pay just in order to keep selling their products.
I must be slowly getting converted, every time I see one of 'these' Threads I say to myself 'Oh god...'
I know first hand that religous people are blind, small minded, self assured, blinker wearing morons who need to open their eyes and start thinking.

I know you're trolling but that is the most blissfully ironic sentence I've seen in a while.

90+ % of religious people are not like those you see on the news and some can happily coexist with the views of science and their religion.
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