Scraping Rattle sound

3 Mar 2008
Canterbury, Kent
My CBR 600 f3 has developed this rattling that has a scraping sound to it, almost like something is loose and vibrating/scraping around when the engine is revved between 2.5k - 5k rpm where i think engine noise takes over. I think i can hear it coming from near the back of the engine of the bike

I thought at first maybe it was the CCT, so i bought a manual one and changed it over, set it up how the instructions and interwebs told me, noise still there, tried all sorts of settings and nothing improved.

The noise isn't there at idle only once i reach 2.5k rpm and both with the clutch in or out. Could it be a bearing??
does sound like CCT but with out hearing it its heard to say. CCT normaly stopps rattling higher up the rev range.
can you upload a you tube clip?
check exhaust mountings,some have rubber bungs that are riveted to the exhaust to stop the fairing touching it,those were rattling on mine

and I also found a loose engine mounting bolt,you need to check all round for loose bolts ect,even pillion footrests can rattle

how many miles has it done?
Il try and get a video / sound up in the morning.

Bikes done 49k miles. Il check the mounts tomorrow, thanks for your suggestions. Don't suppose the centre stand is prone to rattling?
bottom ends could be shot if it hasnt had frequerent oil changes. will be able to tel more when there is a video.. little tip.
get a screw driver, hold the handle to your ear and place the tip around the engine and surronding ares to locate the sounds.
cant think whatelse it could be,i doubt its engine/gearbox but not certain

Iv tried the screwdriver stethoscope on various engine parts whilst holding the revs on and can't find anything . I really do hope it's just a cosmetic rattle rather than engine/transmission.

Hurry up morning time
Actually blown big ends can sound like a rattle, ive heard it myself on a Kwack 550 motor, they were rattling & not knocking or rumbling, & doing it under zero load.
Little ends rattle like that,big ends are a rumble sound? Or maybe I'm confused with big end/crank bearings

I doubt its those the mileage ain't that high?

Do cam chain guides rattle?
both big and little ends can both rattle from start or at a range of rpm's. cam guides will rattle if the cct is loose as that is what the cct pushes against.
I doubt its those the mileage ain't that high?

Mileage doesn't come into it, its how you maintain the bike that matters, if you don't change your oil & filter regular & spank the throttle, the oil will break down, the filter will clog, & your bearings will go awol in no time at all.
im assuming its had oil ect,

tbh it could be anything,its engine/gearbox or something on the frame vibrating as it does it when he revs the engine
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Only thing you can really do is get the spanners & allen keys out & go around every single nut bolt fastener & make sure everything is torqued up, At least this will eliminate any cosmetic rattles.
If it still rattles after that I'd dump the oil out & change it & the oil filter, Firstly to check your sump bolt & old oil for any swarfe/bits if metal/alloy & secondly to see if it quietens down after the oil & filter change.
I'm changing the oil tonight after work. Supposedly the oil was changed when I got the bike in January /February time. Iv done just over 2000 miles myself on it.

Here us a video with the sound

I'm convinced its not the cct though... If it is bearings I'd imagine it'd be expensive??
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soundslike exhaust rattle to me?

and yeah expensive id guess if its any engine bearings

it soundslike a metal plate catching type of sound

EDIT: is there an exhaust valve on those bikes?
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I don't thinkso

You'll see a valve just before the end can if it has exhaust valve,it opens/closes with revs
They don't have exhaust valves.
This is a tricky one because it does sound like an exhaust bolt / engine bolt is loose. I have had it before on my r1 where the exhaust had a captive but that had broken from its mount and rattles like that. I also have had. Bottom end that sounded like that. Does it pull fine?
From that short clip it sounds like an exhaust rattle or some type, either loose heat shield or baffle/insert.
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