scratches on my new NEC screen

20 Nov 2005
Hi guys, I have just got my new widescreen monitor from OCUK, I went for the NEC MultiSync 20WGX2. Absolutely great monitor and well pleased with it. However when I noticed tonight that there are about 3 slight scratches on the left hand side of the screen, each about 1.5 - to 2 inches long. It doesn't effect the image quality at all really, but I have spent a load on this monitor and I know that they are there and to be quite frank I am a bit miffed.

Even though I received the monitor last Wednesday (26th April) I didn't open it as I was away last week and the weekend. I only opened it on Monday night and didn't notice the scratches straight away; I have only noticed them tonight.

I know that for dead pixels you have to have a certain amount and is an accepted risk, but scratches due to mis handling must be treated differently. I was going to give OCUK a call tomorrow and see what they say, but in the meantime does anyone know the policy on this and what the likely response will be?
They do strike me as being a bit soft - are they prone to scratching easily?

I do get the point though I suppose it is better to have a few scratches which I can't even see than to get new one with dead pixels.
Gonna go with drupi on this one. To be honest I guess that they are not that bad. They only show up if you really look hard at extremely accute angles with your head about a couple of cm from the monitor - and when the monitor is off. They do not show at all when it is on. I am just being extremely picky as it was expensive.

I would hate to get into an RMA situation where I get a new one only to find a dead pixel some where on the screen or a back light bleed and I would wish that I had stuck with my original one. My ultra pickyness has got me there before.

I would like to ask though as to any thing that you can protect the screen with, a cover or something? it seems to me that these things are quite fragile when compared to the ol' CRTs.
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