Screen Calibration

When you flick between profiles you get to see the difference and you'll know which one looks the most accurate^

Lacie's reporting was consistent throughout and the Spyder/Xrite software don't have the same level of control either from what I found. I imagine things may have changed since then as it's been what a year or so since I tried last.

Example of a Lacie report post calibration:

As I mentioned earlier, without seeing them one after the other you'd not know any different. As long as the colours are as accurate as they can be and results are consistent then you've not really got anything to worry about though really.
You done it during the day, didn't you?

ok Yes

I have now re calibrated and have two profiles one day one night. They still look different though.

I've also just calibrated the two monitors so they should be very similar using studio smart(?) but they look completely different.

I guess trying to get 2 different monitors from two different manufacturers to look the same "May" be difficult...:rolleyes:
Calibration during the day is near impossible. Sunlight, overcast and your four seasons will affect colour greatly. It's a lot easier at night with a controlled lighting environment. Usually, unless you're using dimmer lights. Your calibration will be different each time.

Everything in the room affects the end result.

Yeah, it covers video but still...

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