Screen Tearing Vsync Question

2 Nov 2010
I don't know if my eyes have all of a sudden noticed tearing, or there is a problem within my system.

In all my games I get lots of screen tear, whenever I move around. I enable Vsync and it clears this issue up, but obviously there is input lag which I cannot stand.

I've done lots of reading but still can't really find the answer, my monitors refresh rate is 60hz, and people say you only get screen tear when you go above this. But in BF3 it doesn't matter what setting I choose, weather it be low fps or high, I still get tearing without Vsync. I've tried other/older games aswell.

So, is it that my eyes all of a sudden have become sensetive to this and never noticed it before, or is there a problem if I still get screen tear below refresh rate.

Also, I have re installed windows with latest drivers, tried older drivers, different monitors, different graphics cards.
Vsync works fine, but I don't want to use it because of input lag. Maybe my eyes have all of a sudden noticed tearing without :(
with some newer games ive played the frame rate went very low with v sync on , but turning it off in the game and on in nvidia control panel nearly doubled my frame rate
if anyone finds a solution to this i;d be very interested myself. while im not fussed by forcing vsync on at a driver level i wouldnt mind a solution
Vsync works fine, but I don't want to use it because of input lag. Maybe my eyes have all of a sudden noticed tearing without :(

My framerate is fine, and when I have vsync on the tearing goes away. But you get mouse input lag when you enable this.

I just feel really confused at the moment weather it is something in my new system. I can honestly say I have never noticed screen tearing before, but now that I have, its just so annoying.
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