Scrubs **SPOILERS**

Awesome comedy, I am most impressed by the way they dont seem to get stale and keep rolling class jokes.
Jihad said:
I take it you haven't watched Season 6 then.

Yep all of it right to the end ;) Still enjoyed it, was still laughing regularly. They had good serious moments as well which I find sets Scrubs above the rest.
First half of season 5 is a bit pants :( (well, compared with other seasons), and then gets really good towards the end I think.

Same for season 6.
Noxis said:
Yep all of it right to the end ;) Still enjoyed it, was still laughing regularly. They had good serious moments as well which I find sets Scrubs above the rest.
Season 6 made me cringe in places and Jordan is SO annoying now. Plus that musical episode was VERY hard to watch, oh good god. :eek:

They kinda massacred the Elliott character too a bit, the ending was good though I hope they hit it off and have a good Season 7.
Season 6 was a bit hit and miss but seriously, the musical episode is one of the funniest things Scrubs has even come out with.

It's guy love. That's all it is.
if you bought the dvd from play, then you should get it on saturday.
thats what usually happens when you pre order from them!

mine should be there then!

oh and the musical episode was classic!
the_one_deep86 said:
if you bought the dvd from play, then you should get it on saturday.
thats what usually happens when you pre order from them!

mine should be there then!

oh and the musical episode was classic!

I wish, the last time they got a pre-order to me on time let alone early was nearly two years ago :(
Jihad said:
Season 6 made me cringe in places and Jordan is SO annoying now. Plus that musical episode was VERY hard to watch, oh good god. :eek:

They kinda massacred the Elliott character too a bit, the ending was good though I hope they hit it off and have a good Season 7.

WHAAAA!! The musical episode was absolute class, definitely one of the best episodes yet. Quite liked series six over all, some quite sad moments too.
The musical episode was fantastic. It may not have been original (Buffy etc.) but my god was it funny!! I thought season 6 was a lot better than season 5 too.
My current gripes with Scrubs, despite the fact that its my favourite tv show in the whole world ever:

As mentioned, Jordan is awful to watch now. Just watch her again in seasons 1-3, and her performance is understated, but much funnier. It's like she's gone loopy now :-\ and not to mention the plastic surgery Christa Miller Lawrence has had...

Lloyd, the delivery guy- not funny, but being incorporated into more and more episodes.

Scenes are much shorter now I think, and Scrubs seems to be going for one-liners with a punchline -> funny music. I preferred the longer more serious scenes with more subtle jokes running throughout.

I kind of agree about Elliot, but I guess they're going for the little clumsy intern grows up thing, which works I guess.

Some people are over-acting a bit: Laverne, Kelso, Jordan, Elliot, JD. Just compare JD's voiceover now to earlier seasons.

Anyway, the end episodes of season 6 were brilliant. The musical episode I thought was okay. Worst episode ever: the one where it was just a clip show of highlights from past episodes, despite them trying to make that into a joke. What was that about?? :-\

/Rant. :p

Edit: Oooops sorry :o
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Creature said:
****** episode? ******* ***? What part of no spoilers don't you people get?
Awww, by the time I got here he'd removed his spoiler and I saw it in your post instead :( Wasn't too fussed about the first, but the second was a bummer :(

Scrubs rocks :D
I save loads of it on my V+ box and watch them over and over (have 1 through 3 on DVD). Can't recall a single episode I didn't like. Although sometimes they make me sad and weepy like a girly.
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