My current gripes with Scrubs, despite the fact that its my favourite tv show in the whole world ever:
As mentioned, Jordan is awful to watch now. Just watch her again in seasons 1-3, and her performance is understated, but much funnier. It's like she's gone loopy now :-\ and not to mention the plastic surgery Christa Miller Lawrence has had...
Lloyd, the delivery guy- not funny, but being incorporated into more and more episodes.
Scenes are much shorter now I think, and Scrubs seems to be going for one-liners with a punchline -> funny music. I preferred the longer more serious scenes with more subtle jokes running throughout.
I kind of agree about Elliot, but I guess they're going for the little clumsy intern grows up thing, which works I guess.
Some people are over-acting a bit: Laverne, Kelso, Jordan, Elliot, JD. Just compare JD's voiceover now to earlier seasons.
Anyway, the end episodes of season 6 were brilliant. The musical episode I thought was okay. Worst episode ever: the one where it was just a clip show of highlights from past episodes, despite them trying to make that into a joke. What was that about?? :-\
Edit: Oooops sorry