scuba diving

Scythe said:
I got into Scuba Diving with my dad in 2002. I did my PADI Jr Open Water in 2003. We were only allowed to go to 12m, but I went with another group to 20m (group of dive masters with my dad) My dad took his Open Water the same year. 2003-2005 was basically just going deeper as we were allowed, until iturned 14 (5 days ago! Woot.) Last year, In Cuba my dad was still Open Water, but went down to 50m on a chain/wreck dive. This year in Egypt, I'm taking my Open Water and my dad is taking his Advanced.
the depth rules are there for a VERY good reason. its not a cleaver thing to do and deffinatly nothing to brag about.

back on topic.
PADI Divemaster
BSAC Dive Leader - (did conversion from Divemaster)
85+ dives, all in cyprus. about 20 of those on the Zenobia - what a wreck :D

want to go to red sea this summer, but finding a buddy is proveing somewhat difficult.
been diving since i was 14. dive shops just seam to eat my money; went into local shop to get my regs serviced and decided i want to new fins! happens every time i visit a shop.

btw London International dive show is on 1st & 2nd april if anyone is interested.
im not sure if i should go or not. ill only spend money i dont have!

EDIT:fortunatly i already have the main kit, so i cant spend that much. anyone want to discuss kit options msn me...
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Since theres an abundance of divers in here, thought Id ask how much would I be looking at to get into it (from absolute beginner) I live in the Liverpool area :)
join your local bsac club (google bsac) and ask them to train you up. OR do a padi open water course. If you plan on diving at home, id suggest bsac. Im a padi dm (and have only used padi), but im also thinking of joining a bsac club.
Mikharper said:
Since theres an abundance of divers in here, thought Id ask how much would I be looking at to get into it (from absolute beginner) I live in the Liverpool area :)
If you want to dive in the UK and abroad you could look for a local BSAC club or SAA club Otherwise find a local dive shop that has an associated instructor or two (PADI).

Health wise lung injuries/diseases and heart problems are generally the only issues that might prevent you from taking up diving. Whilst being fit helps its not a requirement, though basic swimming ability is now required.

You'll spend a couple of grand on kit/training/membership fees to be able to go diving with friends. I'd recommend a club cos diving is a social activity that you do with a group of other like minded fools.

Don't worry about the merits of differing organisations training. The real difference is in the instructors and each org has its own share of fools.
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Lostkat said:
I'd love to take up scuba diving. Had a taster session when I went to Corfu with some makes, but Stoney Cove is pretty close to me, and I'd like to give it a try.

Just got back from stoney :)
spirit said:
How many people do it? What organisation (bsac/padi etc) level and number of dives?

I just got back from 2 weeks in eygpt, it was awsome!

My brother used to dive with Padi. Quite expensive to get into as the equipment is expensive. He went to Malta with them years ago with all the Padi instructors at his club. They then went diving in small groups etc. out at see for a week :)

As for myself. i've only ever done it twice. Not with a club as such.......more a tourist thing. Me and my bro did it in Cyprus a few years ago with a tourist organisation and then me and one of my mates did it again in Gran Canaria.

Its a good feeling once under the water. I just found that the very first time you go under its nearly impossible to tell yourself its ok to breath in and take a breath :D It goes against all your normal instincts about holding ya breath.
I went with Pay And Dive In while I was in Australia, and while I did my open water with a former green jacket who was an excellent instructor, I took my advanced OW with an instructor who classed a cuttlefish as a vertebrate on the nature dive. :rolleyes:

Done about 20 dives in all, including night dives and 6 wreck dives :cool:

I'm thinking of going out to med coast of Turkey to get a refresher course and some cheap kit.
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