Scuff marks on white trainers

Is this the fashion now then?
I remember about 15 years ago the first thing my mate did after getting a new pair of trainers was take them out to the garden and scuff them up a bit.
fashion these days is to leave the labels on everything aparently.

my 15year old stepson almost had a heart attack when a label fell off one of his baseball caps.... he quickly stuck it back on and all was calm again.

he looks like a right plonker though as he wears all the cloths that you expect people in the hood to and he goes to a school in a well off area :rolleyes:

where i grew up he wouldnt last 5 minutes so i dont know why he thinks he is so hard ive never even known him to have a fight although he did once "tree" someone at junior school

And in the real world we now know who's "rude"/"down with the kids" with their bright white sparkly trainers, and how to keep them like this :D

Lets get them real computer nerds? I mean how many here really care about their appearance, let alone what colour their shoes are.......
Am I the only person who actually hates is when their trainers are stupidly bright-white? I like them when they've got a bit of dirt on 'em.
Am I the only person who actually hates is when their trainers are stupidly bright-white? I like them when they've got a bit of dirt on 'em.

What about people who play tennis, or fencers? I suspect that they would be deducted a point for not having pristine shoes. There is a place for them, just not on the street.
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Am I the only person who actually hates is when their trainers are stupidly bright-white? I like them when they've got a bit of dirt on 'em.

i cant say im a fan i bought a new pair of white trainers last summer and the sun reflecting off the shiny surface almost blinded me :eek: i was glad after a few weeks when the shiny white was a dull white
What seems odd with my white trainers at the moment (I only have on regular pair) is that for some odd reason the laces are slowly turning pink. Go figure. :p
Nope. I think it's more likely that I've had some strange alcoholic substance spilt on them to be honest.
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