SDD suddenly not booting or recognized in bios

4 Nov 2011
I purchased a new ssd around 4 months ago, installed windows 10, its ran fine, today my pc crashed and upon restarting i get a boot failure please insert disk error, ssd doesn't appear in bios, i have just had to put in one of my old hardrive's which has windows xp on it which i am using right now, ssd doesn't show up in the operating system or in device manager either, i tried booting with the windows 10 disk to try system restore and running chkdsk as recommended by google college but the drive doesn't show up, when i typed chkdsk/r/c it says unable to run as write protected.

Any ideas?
Mines a Kingston SSD too, I tried it in another computer and it can't be seen on that either, have tried different power and data cables too and nothing, other hardrives are working fine with the same cables, wondering if its bricked. Have emailed the seller and waiting for their response.

I am a little concerned if i have to return it about my data, saved logins passwords etc the main thing.
It's a Kingston 2.5" SSDNow V300, Just had a look on amazon quite a few people reporting failures in under 12 months when you sort by lowest rated reviews. Think i will be going for a different brand next time.
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