SE16 250GB 2500KS SATA-II 16MB hot swap?

16 May 2005
Hi guys. I have searched but cannot find the answer and WD's website seems to be down :mad:

I have two SE16 250GB 2500KS SATA-II 16MB drives and am very pleased with them.
I am doing a lot of video tape backups and need approx 1 Tb of storage :eek:
Can I use another 4 of these and hot swap to get them away from potential PSU failure damage etc or is it best to use 4 of my six remaining sata connections and risk leaving them attached all the time :confused:

I have now got onto WD's site and they say all sata 1&2 WD drives can hot swap as long as the SATA POWER CONNECTORS are used, i.e. not LEGACY MOLEX connectors! Apparently the SATA connectors use staggard pins to connect in the proper sequence.
So, anybody doing this, is it prefferable to leaving them connected and how do you ensure the drives are only disconnected when not in use?
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