Sea of Thieves - released March 20th

19 Oct 2002
Got some numbers to back this up or just a throw away comment because you don't like the game?

A lot of games by their very nature are repetitive, I don't hear the same complaints about them.

I'm sure if you google it you will get the numbers but yes, even a short time after release the player numbers dropped significantly. A lot of people used the free game pass at the time to play it and didn't bother after that as there was no content.
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7 Mar 2017
As Mark said above, its the bit inbetween the voyages that make the game. The PVP aspect. Its the "lets just have a look at that skull fort" where 3 hours and 5 or 6 sunken galleons later you realise its 3am, the "lets see what that sloop is up to", the "oh no they are coming our way" moments or best of all "I've beached us while carrying a fort loot with galleon in close pursuit and we are gonna lose it all" moment.

The voyages can be a grind at times (Particularly the single gold hoarder riddles) but those don't make the game.
11 Aug 2012
S.E Wales
Looking for a full galleon squad to play with, keep finding low level randomers who don't know what they're doing, level 35, 34, 29, handy with the cannon and benefit of K+M I can bully a galleon crew with a blunderbuss. GT Uncle Gravy Pic of the peggle unicorn, i'm playing now until roughly 5.30pm
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7 Mar 2017
Looking for a full galleon squad to play with, keep finding low level randomers who don't know what they're doing, level 35, 34, 29, handy with the cannon and benefit of K+M I can bully a galleon crew with a blunderbuss. GT Uncle Gravy Pic of the peggle unicorn, i'm playing now until roughly 5.30pm

Next time I’m online I’ll add you. Mark and I are so used to Duo slooping but keen to try a galleon with competent crew.
7 Mar 2017
Managed a good first outing as a full galleon crew. Takes a bit getting used to stopping distances, turning circles etc but had a very loot filled evening.

Topped off with an uncontested skull keep event. Really getting the hang of playing this on PC now to.

Good times.
11 Aug 2012
S.E Wales
Managed a good first outing as a full galleon crew. Takes a bit getting used to stopping distances, turning circles etc but had a very loot filled evening.

Topped off with an uncontested skull keep event. Really getting the hang of playing this on PC now to.

Good times.

I'm really sorry, I only saw your messages about an hour ago, I don't run the xbox app most of the time so didn't see, I was already in a crew at the time you sent the messages.

We did a skull fort as a galleon had no trouble, another galleon crew came, no customised sails or hull so clearly new at the game, their cannon fire was so off and I kept on nailing them under the water line, they were gone with in the minute.

stayed on a little later as 2 mates appeared, doing some merchant quests and saw the skull in the sky, so we headed in the direction and stopped off at a outpost, then noticed the skull had gone so we rushed, as soon as we got to the island the enemy galleon dropped sail and the chase was on xD Some reason despite both ships sails were in the same direction they were pulling away, but they just made a silly mistake as they approached an outpost, two of them jumped off with the stronghold chest and skull right in front of us in the water, so me and a mate jumped out and gunned them both down, easy 6k I would have been LIVID! Then we got bored and left them to their pocket change loot.
30 Apr 2015
Newcastle upon Tyne
Just completed the Hungering Deep with two friends and two randoms on a sloop! We'd previously tried this a couple of nights ago when there was 9 of us, but it didn't go well. Our boat sank and we got spawned at the opposite end of the map and by the time we got back, the others had finished it. So doing it tonight with less people felt pretty satisfying after that disappointment.


Looking forward to the next content updates now (which I think are coming in the summer), and the possibility of weekly challenges being a feature.
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