Having already bought and used a 400GB Seagate 7200.10 for a while now, I recently decided to get another for extra storage.
I've been using the new disk to store captured video for editing. I had some problems capturing as I was getting some recorder errors which I've never had before, however I put this down to the camera I was using and that perhaps I needed to clean the heads. It was only when I came to playback the video files that I realised how choppy they were and when I keep them playing for less than half a minute the system usually resets itself.
I ran HD Tach and got the following results...
The blue line is my current disk while the red is the new Seagate. Also notice that the new disk is using 26% CPU while the other just 2%.
Any ideas what the cause of this could be? Is the drive faulty?
Thanks in advance, specs below
Gigabyte DS3
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400
2GB Corsair XMS2-6400
Seagate 7200.10 400GB x 2
Winfast 7900GS
XP Home SP2
I've been using the new disk to store captured video for editing. I had some problems capturing as I was getting some recorder errors which I've never had before, however I put this down to the camera I was using and that perhaps I needed to clean the heads. It was only when I came to playback the video files that I realised how choppy they were and when I keep them playing for less than half a minute the system usually resets itself.
I ran HD Tach and got the following results...
The blue line is my current disk while the red is the new Seagate. Also notice that the new disk is using 26% CPU while the other just 2%.
Any ideas what the cause of this could be? Is the drive faulty?
Thanks in advance, specs below
Gigabyte DS3
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400
2GB Corsair XMS2-6400
Seagate 7200.10 400GB x 2
Winfast 7900GS
XP Home SP2