Seagate 7200.9 vs 7200.10

3 Dec 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Sorry if the answer is in here somewhere but I can't search at the moment.

I'm looking at a new HD and want a seagate 500GB SATA. The 7200.10's are newer and presumably better. However, I can get a good deal on the same 7200.9.

My question is, does anyone know the differences between the 2 versions of the drive? Speed, noise, heat etc. And would it be worth paying the extra for the .10's

thanks :p
Thanks for the help. :D I plan to use the drive as general storage as I still have a 7200.7 for booting and I don't fancy a re-install until I get round to buying Vista (when there's a service pack).
Then I may get a couple of 250GBs or similar for a RAID setup.

I think I'll save a few quid and just get the 7200.9 for now
Well after some thinking I took your advice and went for the WD AAKS drive :cool:
I won't be re-installing Windows but think I may re-install some games (BF2 and 2142) onto it. I guess it would help right? Faster loading times are always nice.
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