Seagate drive failing!! Help pls

17 Dec 2004

I built a new computer for my brother at christmas and he is now having problems with it.

He is in windows playing his game Runescape and all of a sudden he gets a blue screen come up saying it is dumping physical memory to HDD, I think will try and get a screen capture of it if it happens again. Now I downloaded speedfan and 2 things are a bit worrying.

First of is that on the temperature gauages it has Remote at 62 degrees, but what is Remote?? Not had that on my system when i run speed fan??

And the next problem is that i went to speedfans SMART tab and looked at the 160GB Sata drive and it had errors in the list and was at half fitness :eek: . So what i want to do now is download Seagates disk utilities tool but it says its for Intel systems only and my brother has a A64 3200, so will the Utilities disk work??

I have had seagates for years, and they have all read 43% SMART fitness in Speedfan. There is (I would guess) absolutely nothing wrong with the drive.

Download The Ultimate Boot CD, burn it to a CD and boot it up. This will allow you to test RAM/CPU /HDD without being within windows (thus safeguarding any data in case there is instability)

I suggest a few passes of Memtest86+, followed by a couple of hours (upto 24 if you really want to be sure) of Mersenne Prime Test.

This also has the Seagate HDD disc test utility included, so you can again do the checks from outside of Windows


ignore that, probably not a hdd problem. Make sure you have all the latest drivers ie graphics card and chipset and the latest BIOS most importantly. Include specs of the sys too.
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