Seeing someone inject

8 Dec 2003
Are you/would you be botherd seeing a diabetic person inject in public? Injecting in their leg, belly etc in a public place like a pub, bus or basically anywhere.

Would it make you cringe and wonder why they don't keep it private?

and if you have a fear of needles would seeing someone else use one make you feel weird?

(I am diabetic (hate the word tho) just asking for opions, this isn't my opinion.)
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Id rather see them do that than drop dead personally. Seeing someone die is one of lifes worst experiences, even if you dont know the person in question.

I think perhaps they should do it in a toilet just incase they do offend but personally it wouldnt bother me.
if you are offended by someone taking medication to keep their body working then you are a sad person imo.
Colleague of mine does this - no issues here. Rather that than having a first aider/paramedic sort them out :)
I won't mind aslong as its for medical reasons. I just don't like the people who inject and just chuck them.. For instance. This stoned guy was on a train i was on he injected himself infront of us. Left it on the chair we got of the train he started to follow us until he found out all 4 of us were boxers then he backed off. Just shows you! but no i don't mind it doest make me cringe. I would rather them do it then die! (Not the druggies!)
Morba said:
if you are offended by someone taking medication to keep their body working then you are a sad person imo.

True, but it may cause some discomfort to those who have needle phobias and the like.

I don't see it as a problem though.
lukechad said:
Id rather see them do that than drop dead personally.

They wouldn't drop dead. They wouldn't be in a public place if their blood sugar was that high, they'd be a sleep or in hospital!
Lowra said:
They wouldn't drop dead. They wouldn't be in a public place if their blood sugar was that high, they'd be a sleep or in hospital!

I like how sympathetic you are.

And no, that is not always the case. They are people, not robots you STOP IT.
Biohazard said:
I like how sympathetic you are.

And no, that is not always the case. They are people, not robots you moron.

"They" are me, you got your wires crossed. wow i only just noticed you called me a morron.. i was clearing up and incorect comment that's all.
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If I were in that position I'd probably have the common courtesy to at least go to the bathroom and do it.

I doubt it would bother me to see others doing it, though.
Raz said:
True, but it may cause some discomfort to those who have needle phobias and the like.

I don't see it as a problem though.

I suffer from a needle phobia, well any sharp object really.
As long as it is not brought to my attention i am fine, but do find it really hard in some situations sometimes. Loss of conciousness, dizzyness can be brought on even from the thought.

I think for something like this is should be in private and not in public as i think it could offend many people not just myself.
Most diabetics have to inject in public as they work out the amount of insulin needed once they've eyeballed their meal at the table.

Anyone who doesn't like it should just turn away if it bothers them that much.

kip02 said:
I think for something like this is should be in private and not in public as i think it could offend many people not just myself.

If it bothers you that much maybe you should get your phobia treated?
If anyone had the audacity to dare inject in front of me i would take the needle and smash into their eyes :mad:

...oh, you didn't mean heroin? My bad, no problem there then.
Minstadave said:
Most diabetics have to inject in public as they work out the amount of insulin needed once they've eyeballed their meal at the table.

Anyone who doesn't like it should just turn away if it bothers them that much.

If it bothers you that much maybe you should get your phobia treated?

I think its just common courtesy to go and do it in a bathroom. I'm not personally offended, but I'm phobic, and the chance is that I might pass out if they "catch me an awares".
And minstadave, it's not as simple as "have it treated"
you get use to it TBH a girl I used to go to college with used to inject into her stomach the first time I saw it I was all like "thats gotta hurt" and had to look away, but now when I see someone inject its just a normal thing :)
Biohazard said:
I like how sympathetic you are.

And no, that is not always the case. They are people, not robots you moron.
You've misunderstood. High blood sugar is as a result of not taking insulin. It would only get so high it kills you after a few days of not taking insulin at all and you'd have to be packing in the sugar as well. The risk is of it dropping too low if you've taken insulin but then can't get anything to eat because the body can't stabilise itself. You'll have a hypo, drop into a coma and in some cases die. Most of the time adrenaline takes over but you wouldn't want to let it get to that point :)

I have horrific needle phobia and sometimes have to inject for someone. It's not pleasant and usually I have to sit down afterwards and sweat it out but it doesn't bother me when she injects at the table, it's very discrete and unless you were watching closely you wouldn't know what she was doing.
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