Seems we found Flubber!

June 16
- Deadlift 40x8/50x8/55x8
- Dumbbell Row 17.5x10/20x8/20x8
- Lat Pulldown 100x8/100x8/100x8
- Cable Curl 100x8/100x8/100x8
- Barbell Curl 20x8/HNR/25x8/HNR/25x8/HNR
- Dumbbell Hammer Curl 12.5x8/HNR/12.5x8/HNR/12.5x8/HNR
- Hanging Knee Raise (HNR) 12 x 6 - They was completed in the above 2
June 18
- Flat Barbell Bench Press 20x8/20x8/20x8
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 20x8/20x8/20x8
- Ez-bar skullcrusher 10x8/10x8/10x8
- Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 40x8/40x8/40x8

June 23
- Leg Press 250x12/250x12/270x12
- Leg Extension Machine 150x12/150x12/170x12
- Seated Leg Curl Machine 110x12/110x12/110x12
- Barbell calf Raise 40x25/40x25/40x25
July 11 (Weak day didn't eat! silly me)
- Flat Barbell Bench Press 45x8/45x8/45x6
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 20x8/17.5x8/17.5x8
- Ez-bar skullcrusher 10x8/10x8/10x8
- Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 25x8/25x8/25x8
- Lat Dumbbell Raise 12.5x8/12.5x8/12.5x8

July 14
- Deadlift 40x8/60x5/70x5 (Best yet)
--- So need to improve my grip i think, When doing 70kg i did notice my grip slipping slightly, Believe i might start struggling when hitting 90kg+ eventually and prefer to stay clear of alternative grip for as long as possible.
- Lat Pulldown 100x8/100x8/100x8
- Cable Curl 85x10/85x10/85x10
- Cable Overhead Triceps Extension 85x10/85x10/85x10
- DUmbbell Hammer Curl 12.5x8/12.5x8/12.5x8
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