Sega Saturn games

Woman of Honour
Man of Honour
6 Dec 2003
I've succumbed and ended up buying a 2nd hand Saturn which should shortly be with me :)
It comes with:
Nights Into Dreams
Sonic Jam
Daytona USA Championship Circuit Edition
Alien Trilogy
Tomb Raider
Virtu Fighter 2
Sega Rally
Clockwork Knight
Manx TT Superbike

But I'm interested to know what other must haves are about.
Can't afford anything like Panzer Dragoon Saga as much as I'd like it so that's out along with anything else really rare.

Really, I don't know too much about the Saturn, somehow it passed me by :o So I'd be interested in any other suggestions. :)
Athlete Kings
Dead or Alive
Die Hard Trilogy
Fighters Megamix
Most Capcom/Marvel 2D Beat-em-Ups

Dont think any of those are particularly rare, although the daddy Saturn game is probably Radiant Silvergun.
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Deep Fear
Dragon Force (1 + 2)
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter
Marvel Superheroes
Street Fighter Alpha (1 + 2)
Shining Force III
Radiant Silvergun (though this is quite expensive like PDS)
Baku Baku Animal
Virtua Cop (1 + 2)
Fighters Megamix
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My favourites were:
Sega Rally
Sega Worldwide Soccer
Guardian Heroes
X-men: Children of the Atom
Virtua Cop with light gun
Virtua Fighter 2 with the arcade stick (tricky to learn)
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sonic jam
theme park
tomb raider
virtua racing

dragoons sound really good but its like an investment more than a game.

edit: Nights of course is a great game but rock rock hard.

Rem the saturn has built in memory so you dont need a mem card but if the battery dies you lose all the saved games on your saturn. My saturns battery was already dead when i got it.
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i remember Sonic R ? :confused: and loaded. neither were mind blowingly amazing. but i had a good time on them i guess.
naffa said:
i remember Sonic R ? :confused: and loaded. neither were mind blowingly amazing. but i had a good time on them i guess.

sonic r is a racing game

sonic jam is what I said, its got a 3d hall of fame and you also get sonic 1, 2 and 3. Its basically just handy if you dont have a MD or cant be bothered booting it up/ getting it out just to play the old sonics.
Thanks all for the suggestions :) Not too sure what i'll go for yet although definitely Wipeout 2097 as I never got round to getting that for the PS1.

Wouldn't mind an RPG but they tend to be the priciest to buy so ah well.

Sonic Jam comes with the console so I'm not complaining :) Although I've already got the Sonic Mega Collection on the Gamecube anyway.
Haly, I wouldn't bother with Wipeout 2097 as it didn't translate too well to the Saturn. The best racing game for the Saturn will always be Sega Rally.
Guardian Heroes is another to look out for.

There's also a decent Bubble Bobble / Rainbow Islands disk as well as a good Pariodus port.
pumaz said:
Haly, I wouldn't bother with Wipeout 2097 as it didn't translate too well to the Saturn. The best racing game for the Saturn will always be Sega Rally.
Ahh I'll keep an eye out for a copy on the PS1 instead then :)

Bonjour said:
Guardian Heroes is another to look out for.

There's also a decent Bubble Bobble / Rainbow Islands disk as well as a good Pariodus port.
Guardian Heroes costs a bit out of my league :/

Got the Bubble Bobble/Rainbow Islands game on the PS1, great game :) Now own them both for the C64, PS1 and the X-Box :o
I am one of the lucky Buggers that own Saga... (the original one too that I brought years ago) I also own...

Xmas Nights
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Vampire Savior
Marvel Super Heros
SF Alpha 1 and 2
Resident Evi
Virtua Cop 2
Sega Rally
Story Of Thor (Legend Of Oasis)
Last Bronx
Shining The Holy Ark
Virtual On
Virtua Fighter 1
VF 2
Die Hard Arcade

I have some more.... somewhere or rather
Story of Thor rings a bell :) Used to love the original on the Megadrive. Definitely have to look out for that as I didn't realise there was another one :D
Yeah there is, I used to LOVE the one of the Mega Drive to... (I only recently completed it) The one on the saturn though I hardly got about a 3rd of the way thru, I am gonna start it again one day soon.... If you want a tip go to gamestation (Pretty sure they are not a competitor, if not please let me know) website, and get their order number. they have tons of games in their warehouse :)
Thanks for the advice :) And nope they're not a competitor :)
I was planning on going in there on my lunch break tomorrow as I know they used to have loads of Saturn games on display. But I'll have a look on their site now too :)
On their site they dont have any as far as I know, you need to call their warehouse (you can get the number I know from instore, I assume from their site as well) and then ask them for the list of saturn games :)
My last big purchase of Saturn games...


...already had a few games and i've added a few odds and ends since then like Xmas Nights, Panzer Dragoon + Zwei + Saga. As for Bubble Bobble i was playing on that the other night after sorting out the Saturn that Halys buying :D. And theres no need to worry about the backup battery in it dear, i've got a new one (Energizer no less!) to go in it for you.
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