I've succumbed and ended up buying a 2nd hand Saturn which should shortly be with me 
It comes with:
Nights Into Dreams
Sonic Jam
Daytona USA Championship Circuit Edition
Alien Trilogy
Tomb Raider
Virtu Fighter 2
Sega Rally
Clockwork Knight
Manx TT Superbike
But I'm interested to know what other must haves are about.
Can't afford anything like Panzer Dragoon Saga as much as I'd like it so that's out along with anything else really rare.
Really, I don't know too much about the Saturn, somehow it passed me by
So I'd be interested in any other suggestions. 

It comes with:
Nights Into Dreams
Sonic Jam
Daytona USA Championship Circuit Edition
Alien Trilogy
Tomb Raider
Virtu Fighter 2
Sega Rally
Clockwork Knight
Manx TT Superbike
But I'm interested to know what other must haves are about.
Can't afford anything like Panzer Dragoon Saga as much as I'd like it so that's out along with anything else really rare.
Really, I don't know too much about the Saturn, somehow it passed me by