I noticed this on the BBC website this morning:
Just got me wondering why there is so much hate towards this. I don't understand nowadays why most people don't scan as they shop anyway as it stops you having to unload and pack your shopping at the till. All supermarkets I go to still have people on checkouts for those who don't want to but I can't see this as anything but a net positive.
Tesco shopper's plea to bring back till staff
Pat McCarthy says there are not enough staffed tills for those who struggle with self-service machines.
Just got me wondering why there is so much hate towards this. I don't understand nowadays why most people don't scan as they shop anyway as it stops you having to unload and pack your shopping at the till. All supermarkets I go to still have people on checkouts for those who don't want to but I can't see this as anything but a net positive.