self motivation

30 Sep 2009
do other users get easily self motivated or does it take quite a lot of effort and thought? to me, this is something that has very rarely come easily and under my current unemployed circumstances, i'm finding it harder and harder to get into anything.

i have quite often been a 'glass half full' kind of person but i feel this is a different brain function to motivating myself to do something. i wouldn't exactly say i'm lazy either when i get stuck into something, it's just having the motivation to get stuck into it in the first place.
I am very manic, will do something every waking hour for 2 weeks then never find the motivation to do it again.
I am totally obsessive, I can only motivate myself towards one goal...

I am currently obsessive about making money doing private work, I have managed to convince myself I need to be fit to work later so I am on a diet to aid my main obsession..

now I have lost some weither I can work longer and make more money... (as I dont get tired so much)
I lack motivation a lot. But once I start something, it becomes a habit. I.E the gym. Used to go every now and then. Now you hardly find me out of the place.
Being unemployed is hard. I have only been unemployed for about 6 weeks at the longest, but I felt worthless. You need to start doing things and applying for jobs

I had to just start working, at first I was just helping family members and friends doing mindless odd jobs, mowing lawns and fixing pcs etc etc, but it got me out out of the house and doing things that did not cost me anything, while I did it for free, it was just to get my mind working again and out and about doing things.

When you feel more positive about yourself, other people think more positively about you.

Chin up, you are just in a rut, you realise that now, time to get doing things.
Specifically concerning work, self-motivation really is my strong point, regardless of certain student stereotypes. I usually become obsessive over design work and assignments to the point I will be thinking about the work or doing it obsessively, all day, every day! Sometimes, I put far too much stress on myself though, which negates the self motivation thing as I get stuck in some kind of design block :(

As an example, we have a dissertation to be handed in and being interested in the subject enough and self motivated to do it I have practically finished it, with the deadline in January. Motivating myself to do work over the summer really has paid off :o:p
Depends on what your life ambition is and where you personally want to see yourself in the future to be honest. I myself am a very very very difficult person to get motivated, the only motivation I have identified in myself is only from failure. But whats the point in getting motivated only when you fail?? That means am destined for constant failure. Due to those reasons I restrict myself from aspects that demotivate me.

I know it can be easy coming from somebody elses mouth, but the last year was hell for me, lost a well paid job, employer put me through scrutiny "for purpose of making redundancies without pay" giving me the sack as others for stupid little reasons we all tried to fight "long story". Spent 11 months out of job with all employers rejecting employment due to those reasons "approx 30-35 interviews". £24k debt falling on my doorstep "long story", credit rating so bad couldnt even get a bank account. Court hearings with debt collection agencies. Jobs that would consider declined because of credit rating. JSA making my life feel lower than its already worth in dealing with their awful process and customer service. Lost my car, personal possesions being sold to survive. Wont go into it any further starting to get too long but believe even words cant explain the feeling, many times I was on the brink of going.

A year later?
99% secure full time job, although we are making redundancies, this doesnt affect us due to the specialised nature of the management job we undertake. If were gone theres no one to run the day to day of the business, in any case we'd be seen the last to leave.

Debts 80% cleared
Due to sit for ACCA acountancy exams
Literally received my first 2 credit cards last week from credit rating on the up
Finally in a position with money to spare
Court cases all put into place etc etc

The point of this long reply is, no matter how bad things get, you can only do the best you can, and how well the outcome is achieved, depends on how its implemented and how much effort is put into it, if its not good enough you need to push yourself harder and better till its paid off, its a painfull process. If there are things that slow you down "such as being motivated" like me, thats the first thing I put aside and stopped trying to please what I find difficult to get and focused on what needs to be done whether I like it or not.

:eek:Sorry for the long post guys, just had to get it off my shoulders. Been a long time since I could say "Cant believe it I made it"

OP if you need any tips on interviews let me know, touch wood ive never been refused a job based on the interview. Only those issues mentioned above preventing an acceptance which im in the process of ironing out.
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Spent 11 months out of job with all employers rejecting employment due to those reasons "approx 30-35 interviews".

OP if you need any tips on interviews let me know, touch wood ive never been refused a job based on the interview. Only those issues mentioned above preventing an acceptance which im in the process of ironing out.

Correct me if i'm wrong.... but I find it very hard that you've never failed an interview out of those 30+ interviews with the only reason you didn't get the job being because of your previous employment....
Firstly, I hope unemployment doesn't demotivate you too much, as a lot of people have been put into this position through no fault of their own, i.e. it has been bad economic management by the (previous) government.

Secondly, make sure you go to bed on time, get enough sleep, and get up on time. This needs to be done consistently for at least a month before you feel the motivation boost it will give you. Good sleep with give you optimum neurotransmitter levels in your brain and you will find everything in life easier to tackle.

Be disciplined with yourself, set yourself small achievable targets, and give yourself little rewards for reaching these targets.

Don't put off stuff. If anything, do the stuff you least want to do first.

Doubt I'd ever get out of bed without some external force giving me reason to.

My boss hooks me up with a dose of motivation every now and again. Just need to wander by his office with a few days growth, creased shirt and an apathetic demeanour and he'll call me in to deliver one his famous speeches.
Being unemployed is hard. I have only been unemployed for about 6 weeks at the longest, but I felt worthless. You need to start doing things and applying for jobs

I had to just start working, at first I was just helping family members and friends doing mindless odd jobs, mowing lawns and fixing pcs etc etc, but it got me out out of the house and doing things that did not cost me anything, while I did it for free, it was just to get my mind working again and out and about doing things.

When you feel more positive about yourself, other people think more positively about you.

Chin up, you are just in a rut, you realise that now, time to get doing things.

Second this..Think I'll just edit out the rest of what I originally put..nothing more than it's embarrassing lol.
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