Self Portrait

21 Apr 2004
Southampton University

Camera Model: NIKON D70
Image Date: 2007:03:29 00:51:55
Flash Used: Yes (Manual, return light detected)
Focal Length: 35.0mm (35mm equivalent: 52mm)
Exposure Time: 0.017 s (1/60)
Aperture: f/4.2
ISO equiv: 200
White Balance: Auto
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: aperture priority (semi-auto)

Comments and Criticism Appreciated
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I like it, the tones suit it very well. How did you go about converting to mono?
My only criticism is that I think there is too much of a blank black area at the top which adds nothing to the image. Wither some detail in here might help or try cropping it out?
Conversion was done with the MikeW action but there was a fair amount of tinkering both before and after the action was used...


That crop better? The first crop was intended for MySpace where the thumbnails are only sized by the top edge, so longer = bigger ;)
I really like it.

Funny enough I was going to say that I like the negitive space. Have you tried it with more black at the top? ie put the eyes somewhere between half and the lower 1/3 with added black at the top of the image? this can work very well some times...

great tone and mood though. Thanks for posting.
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morgan said:
Funny enough I was going to say that I like the negitive space. Have you tried it with more black at the top? ie put the eyes somewhere between half and the lower 1/3 with added black at the top of the image? this can work very well some times...

morgan said:
To balance a positive space.

see here for a nice shot showing how it can work:

In that photo it works great, in the self portrait I think the tight crop works better. Maybe coz that's close to my own style. I enjoy a tight frame.
I don't see the point of it tbh in that photo, it's just plain back.. in the other example Morgon gave, atleast there was some detail in the space...

Anyway, you made me want to take a self portrait, so I setup my new studio light with softbox for a side lighting shot, here is the outcome..

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