Sell me Vanguard in one short post

4 Mar 2006
Yep, I'm lazy, but pretty interested in Vanguard. Too lazy however to read the big huge thread. :p

Basically, is there a way you can sell this to me in several choice words? I don't really want to take the plunge if all I see is what I've currently seen - half committed "its alright" sentiments. I've gotten very bored of WoW recently and want a new game to play. Is this the one to tide me over until Warhammer?
4 Jun 2003
Fraggle Rock
a picture is worth a thousand words!

21 Jan 2003
if you like the polish of wow, i would say dont touch it.

It to me feels very unfinished at the moment, clunky interface and a fair few problems.

The graphics are nice, there are good quests. But im putting it to 1 side until the summer, when i hope things may have changed.
4 Mar 2006
Sleepery said:
a picture is worth a thousand words![/QUOTE]

Looks very empty tbh :p But pretty :)

And at that guy who said something about wow.... yeah I like it, but I don't hate games for bugs, some games I've played the bugs gave it it's own personality anyway :p I'm just curious as to whether this one is one worth getting.
18 Oct 2002
Back in East London
re: bugs - they are tolerable. Easily so.

The only bugs I've seen (mind, I have only been playing for 1 week) are some quests become "unresponsive" in that the NPC's will not talk to you to complete/start them or similar, and the other one is mobs that disappear but can continue to attack you, whilst you are unable to attack them. It sounds tragic, but all you have to do is move off/onto a hill (or just a step/lump) and they will reappear.

Otherwise it's very good. So far there seems to be a never ending supply of quests - of which might I add - they are good quests. They are all so far balanced and a few of them actually promote team play. They also lead you onto other quests very easily (directly) and force you to explore the world. I've not had to grind once yet.

I'm really liking it so far. I'm intrigued to see what the PVP will hold, once I get my lazy bum to the frontlines.
4 Mar 2006
If one was to compare this to any recent MMO eg. WoW, EQ2, EVE, Knight Online, Silkroad etc, which would most people describe this as?

Sorry, just trying to get a feel for whether I'd really like it.
18 Oct 2002
Back in East London
It can be. I've hit a few moments of boredom, but a simple "/shout LFG blah" sorts that out.

Going back to what I was saying about the quests - because a fairly large portion of them require you are in a group, it means there's plenty of others LFG, too.
4 Jun 2003
Fraggle Rock
I'd compare it to a cross between EQ1 and Asheron's Call. It's got a lot of similarities in the character classes with EQ, but a lot more of the open, run-off-and-explore feel that AC had.

It feels a lot bigger than most recent mmo's too. That pic seems empty cos I'm way out in the wilderness in it.

It's unfair to say it's still in beta. Very few of the bugs are show stoppers, and they're disappearing very quickly, patch every few days at this rate.

Its main problem is that it's so ambitious - from the huge landscapes, to the whole diplomacy minigame, to the crafting system. Even so, it's still worth looking at now. In six month's time it'll beat anything out there as a PvE mmo.
9 Dec 2006
Its an incomplete buggy pretty curiosity.

It is not very bad. It is not very good. Its entertaining. It has implemented some fine ideas which you might like to look at.

Truthfully I yearn for the professional polish that was WoW. I am toying with the idea of going back to it for a while.

Vanguard was very clearly released 6-12 months before it was ready (for financial reasons I understand: Go live or go under). If you like being in on the ground floor of something which might grow and evolve into something special then go for it.

The devs are working their little cotton socks off (between 9 and 5 that is).
26 Jul 2003
Personally I am really enjoying the game having played it for a week now (got lvl 10 before bed last night). Its slower to level than WoW but I am finding it a lot more fun. Plus the PvP looks like its going to be fun.

Taken a lot of the good parts from WoW combined with some excellent parts from old skool mmos like UO (crafting and housing). I have not come across a single instance or any bogus MMO game destroying mechanics which is all good. Instancing just doesnt belong in MMORPGs which should be all about exploring and being in the same "world" as everyone else. Rather than disapearing through a door (that doesnt animate or open) and ending up in a different (yet the same mobs) as someone else.

The quests are good but dont give an aweful lot of XP, you can gain levels quicker by working a spawn which is excellent as it gives you variety of play rather than the linear feel I got from WoW and EQ2, being a UO vet its very important to me to not be led down the same path that thousands of people have trodden before me. Playing a MMO for me is all about exploring and creating your own story rather than just doing what someone else has already done - which is why I just find WoW a MAHOOSIVE waste of time - despite being a pretty good game and well polished.
31 Dec 2005
badgermonkey said:
Yep, I'm lazy, but pretty interested in Vanguard. Too lazy however to read the big huge thread. :p

Basically, is there a way you can sell this to me in several choice words? I don't really want to take the plunge if all I see is what I've currently seen - half committed "its alright" sentiments. I've gotten very bored of WoW recently and want a new game to play. Is this the one to tide me over until Warhammer?

The crows nest was a lonely place to be...young Sean mused....bitter bitter cold. "But the captain needs me" We are out here to prevent the Galgothans flanking our positions on the Thestrian mainland. If an enemy fleet manages to make a landing behind our positions it would be disastrous for us. 3 Major cities would be defenceless and the War isnt going well as it is, but the sea ahhh the sea...our ships have the better of them. Sean always marvelled at the incredible craftmanship of Peleonic vessels

Shivering he pulls his elven cloak around him. The rain was lashing the ship now. He had only been with the crew 2 months, lucky to have been accepted into the fellowship at his age. (lvl8 ;) )

Suddenly through the storm clouds there is a flash of lightning. Dark shapes appear for a nanosecond on the horizon. Sean squints his eyes into the fierce howl of the wind and rain. He rubbs his eyes "im seeing things now..." "what manner of thing could possibly be out in this madness?"

The howl of the wind drowns out his next thoughts as the ship is rocked to and fro. He holds on for dear life. He peers out again in the direction of strange shapes. "Hrmm nothing" "Nothing but seagulls and this damnable rain!"

And then suddenly before him the the rain lessens and the clouds break. The sun at last he sighs. He turns his head around the horizon. 6 Massive monstrosities are swiftly approaching...What the!! Great Maker! It cannot be! He frantically rings the alarm bell.

Dorik, son of Belath (captain of the 'Merry Mermaid') is asleep in his hammock beneath deck when he hears the alarm call. He splutters and unceremoniously falls off his hammock onto the wooden decks "damn and blast" swearing underneath his breath and heaving his massive bulk to his feet. What has that fool of a boy saw now " Buckling his swordbelt on he struggles up onto the main deck.
Immediately his grey bearded face is lashed by the wind and rain. He peers into it.
By the Gods!!

Dragons!!!! 6 of them it looks like. 4 Red and 2 black in the Vanguard, a rider atop each of them! Swiftly, Dorik unsheathes his massive two-handed sword and blows on the horn at his belt. Holding his sword aloft, Dorik runs to the side of the deck, a blue aura begins to radiate from his shining blade and he yells out a challenge to the lead Dragon.

"There is a puny mortal waving at me" The great black dragon silenty observes seeing the small fat figure at the ship's railing.
"Are you hungry Melthor" laughs the silky black clad female commander astride the dragon.
Holding a charcoal stave she directs the beast toward the figure.
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