Sell the UK to me

It's mostly wet, miserable, cold. There is no industry or manufacturing as such left, only call centres which are being closed and moved to India. Lots of the people are mean, and most of them are miserable, even the ones with digital watches. Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake coming down from the trees in the first place, and some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no-one should ever have left the oceans.
That feel when

Grim by name, Grimsby by nature.
I'm just being a negative Nelly lol. I was chatting to someone today, who had come back to Grimsby having lived in Canada many years, and he said he was so glad to be back in Grimsby - he was brought up here, he said he was in Alberta and it was full of loons, people in Grimsby more kinder and salt of the earth, and people in Canada drive like nutcases don't give you a hope in chance of crossing a road compared to here where people more likely to let you across lol. I think if you live anywhere far too long it gets abit boring and depressing lol.

I think I've posted this pic before, this is just across the way from my house here in Grimsby, not bad huh. Countryside and Lincolnshire Wolds a mere 5 minutes away.:)

I got photobombed! by Roland on the second pic! :cry:

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I'm just being a negative Nelly lol. I was chatting to someone today, who had come back to Grimsby having lived in Canada many years, and he said he was so glad to be back in Grimsby - he was brought up here, he said he was in Alberta and it was full of loons, people in Grimsby more kinder and salt of the earth, and people in Canada drive like nutcases don't give you a hope in chance of crossing a road compared to here where people more likely to let you across lol. I think if you live anywhere far too long it gets abit boring and depressing lol.

Sadly something I think is eroding in the UK but was talking to one of our lorry drivers at work recently, who grew up in Poland though is of mixed nationality, who was saying why they liked living in the UK was because as a generalisation people have a bit more consideration for others compared to several other countries he has lived in - can't remember specifics but spent awhile living in Estonia or Latvia, France and parts of Asia before coming to the UK.
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