Sell up now - don't think I'll be using my kit for a while

13 Jan 2010
Keep toying with the idea of selling up my DSLR kit.
All of it maybe.

I haven't got the camera out in 4 months.
The thing is I not sure when/if I will again.

The concern is that more and more people seem to be switching to 4/3 systems and i don't want to be left with severely depreciated lenses.

I'd say I have at least 3 thousand of kit of I sold most of it.

It's a really hard decision, especially seeing all the 4/3 switchers. If this really is the absolute future I may as well sell it all.
DSLR is still the king of image quality IMO. However, you are far more likley to have your micro four thirds camera with you and for the lenses available at focal lengths (long zooms still lacking) they can hold up very well to DSLR.

I am like you I had a big SLR kit with lots of lenses and didnt use it for ages as got fed up carrying around 10kg of kit and sold it all and went bridge cameras.

They did the job of taking a photo but I was always disappointed with the final quality so I have just invested in a 4/3 set up to rekindle my photographic urges.
I notice this most with my tele lens

It's just not fun to lug about.
It's not even the best of lenes

I think the big problem is anything dslr specific (ie fast, long lenses) are not carry about friendly, especially not if you're with company.
I'm finding I haven't the inclination to go out on my own just to take pics. I'd enjoy it with a group, but can't find any good ones.

Also wondering if photography really is an on-your-own hobby really and that's why I'm not feeling it?
There must be a local group around surely? Even my village has a photography group and we meet up every other Thursday.

Good for getting tips and also going places I havent been before.
I enjoy myself on my own as I can take my time on anything I like without worrying about holding people up but that's a lot to do with the type of photography I like too.

What do you want the tele for anyway? Wildlife is about the only reason to take it out with you on a whim? Otherwise as far as sports is concerned then you know the events ahead of time.
TBH, it just sounds like you have lost interest in photography. This might be temporary or more long term. I certainly go months without licking up a camera, and will frequently go 6 months without uploading the memory card.

I wouldn't worry about lens deprecation. There is no max exodus of DSLRs users to mirorrless as much as some people would try to have you believe. Camera sales globally are shrinking, mirrorless as well as DSLRs. DSLRs still far out sell mirrorless cameras and will do for a long time. What does happen to a certain extent is people buy a mirrorless camera to suppliment their DSLR, I have a m43 Olympus and a d800, they have their pros and cons. If I could have only want it would definitely be the big Nikon. This phenomena is nothing new, people used to have a big DSLR and a competent compact (canon g12 or s95 etc.).

If you have lost your interest in photography or want something small,r then sure, sell up, but don't do it based on some perceived overnight change in the industry. Even if Nikon were to bring out some decent FF mirrorless cameras they are most likely to keep the F-mount, canon less liekly but it won't devalue the lenses greatly. I fact, soe times when lenses stop being made their value goes up if it is a good lens.
I go through phases of CBA all the time, and i've done the whole sell all my gear thing, then, i've bought it all again etc. I'm one of those who has gone M43 now and i tend to take my kit around with me more now so maybe look at that option before you quit all together.
I go through phases of CBA all the time, and i've done the whole sell all my gear thing, then, i've bought it all again etc. I'm one of those who has gone M43 now and i tend to take my kit around with me more now so maybe look at that option before you quit all together.

Yeah when i went through a dry patch I started to started to take my camera with me in the car always and when i went off places.
TBH, it just sounds like you have lost interest in photography. This might be temporary or more long term. I certainly go months without licking up a camera, and will frequently go 6 months without uploading the memory card.

I wouldn't worry about lens deprecation. There is no max exodus of DSLRs users to mirorrless as much as some people would try to have you believe. Camera sales globally are shrinking, mirrorless as well as DSLRs. DSLRs still far out sell mirrorless cameras and will do for a long time. What does happen to a certain extent is people buy a mirrorless camera to suppliment their DSLR, I have a m43 Olympus and a d800, they have their pros and cons. If I could have only want it would definitely be the big Nikon. This phenomena is nothing new, people used to have a big DSLR and a competent compact (canon g12 or s95 etc.).

If you have lost your interest in photography or want something small,r then sure, sell up, but don't do it based on some perceived overnight change in the industry. Even if Nikon were to bring out some decent FF mirrorless cameras they are most likely to keep the F-mount, canon less liekly but it won't devalue the lenses greatly. I fact, soe times when lenses stop being made their value goes up if it is a good lens.

All very true. If you have "quality" lenses then highly unlikely they will every depreciate.

And agree with the two camera thing as well. I had a big "proper" camera and a pocket camera which i could take anywhere but took the big camera to stuff I knew I wanted to take pics of.
I found one very inactive local group, like 1 event even 3 months. There's lots in Cambridge, but it's more discussions and on Thursday (ie too far after work)

It's been since my break up I haven't used it. There have been a few things very associated with my ex that I haven't wanted to do. And with it being an often lonely activity + tied with the past I think it puts me off.

I was intending to do motorsport but when I look at pics, basically they all seem the same. In that they just don't excite me. It's too short for proper wildlife.

I will probably keep it for a while in that case and just see if I want to do it out find a group.
I notice this most with my tele lens

It's just not fun to lug about.
It's not even the best of lenes

I think the big problem is anything dslr specific (ie fast, long lenses) are not carry about friendly, especially not if you're with company.
I'm finding I haven't the inclination to go out on my own just to take pics. I'd enjoy it with a group, but can't find any good ones.

Also wondering if photography really is an on-your-own hobby really and that's why I'm not feeling it?

you will find the temptation to sell and then 3-5 months down the line you wish you never.same thing happen to us brand new dslr kit new lens etc etc and then the little kid in you go wild out and about taking photo's here and their and then the boredom kicks in. 6 months later i sold everything and 5 months later i brought the same kit again which cost me more this time the wife wasn't happy :mad: but its an phase that you go through in life.:D
well you could still buy m43 camera and use adaptors metabones or kipon if you are canon or nikon based, if you want a camera system that makes photography fun then m43 would be a good option just sell your dslr if you find you prefer the mirrorless so the transition would not be so obvious
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