Selling car to family

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The reason why I don’t feel that guilty is because I know they could sell it privately today for what they paid ie £ 1000.

Ok so they’ve got to go to the hassle of advertising it, meeting prospective buyers and dealing with all that stress but if I’d have sold it for £ 600 they’d be making a profit of £ 400 out of me which is just as bad.

Is that fair on me?
Why didn't you just keep the car and lend it it to her if you thought it had so much value. Then when she upgrades you can make the hypothetical £££.
I’m only allowed one parking space in the car park of the rented flat I live in so wouldn’t be able to keep two cars.
At the end of the day they’re happy with it, it was in their best interests to pay as little as possible and it was in my best interest to get a fair price.

I didn’t ask for the £ 2000 I really wanted because firstly I didn’t need the money at the time and secondly I knew they wouldn’t be able to afford it.

This was three years ago and they paid £ 1000 the car hasn’t depreciated at all in those three years based on that buying price.
What makes me curious is why more than 3 years after the fact this thread is cropping up, has something come up in relation to this more recently?
I only recently told him about the p/x offer that’s why this has cropped up. Didn’t tell him three years ago. I’ve sent him online valuations and eBay sold prices but he just says Jersey prices are cheaper than UK.
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I’ll tell you how it all started, he reckons the hill start assist is not working which ****** me off as I felt he was blaming me. We had an exchange of views then I sent him a Parker’s valuation which valued it at between £ 855 to £ 1400 based on 150,000 miles.

He was like what you on about which ****** me off so then I mentioned the p/x price and that I was happy with what I got for it. I knew that if I said I was happy it would **** him off.

I wasn’t overly happy for reasons I’ve already mentioned but I knew he wouldn’t be pleased for me and would get ****** off.

Then in further emails I linked to eBay sold listings where the cheapest one recently sold went for £ 1181 at auction based on 72719 miles. To this he replied that Jersey prices are cheaper than UK, but eBay private seller listings don’t include VAT so go figure.

The one I sold him had only done 19383 miles anyway, it’s true that originally cars in the UK cost more because of the 20% VAT compared to our own 5% GST but the difference isn’t that great really and I’m not sure how much of an effect that would have on eBay bids.

At the end of the day the car is still worth £ 1000 in Jersey today some three years later.
You’ve been a tight git but this was your downfall. Why on earth did you tell him?
Because I was ****** off about the hill start assist apparently not working and felt like he was blaming me. So I wanted to **** him off to get my own back.

He says he wasn’t blaming me just mentioning it like he would if it was his own car, he reckons I took it to heart and should lighten up.
Lol, why did you bring the valuation up 3 years later. Maybe the hill start isn't working. Why do you care, its 3 years later.

Now it sounds like you sold a lemon for more than it is worth.
The ex-wife mainly drives it and she just engages the handbrake and keeps her foot on the accelerator when hill starting. I never noticed this problem when I owned it.
It’s family and a little bit of money she is your niece after all.
We are not that close I hardly ever see her. If they weren’t prepared to pay £ 1000 why accept that price to begin with. It was my car and I can sell it for as much as I want.

I paid £ 5000 for it from a dealer just 3.5 years earlier so lost a lot on it.
should have told family that dealer was offering you 1200 but since you prefer dealer not to make profit and want to help out family they can have it for 1 grand. everyone would be happy then.
True but I don’t like lying I’ve got a conscience. In a way I didn’t want dealer to make a profit hence why I didn’t sell it to them for £ 600.
I disagree, why does selling her a car on the cheap make him tight?

I agree he was silly to tell his brother this and it all sounds very petty wanting to **** him off but at face value there's nothing wrong in the actual sale from what I can see that makes him tight, he wanted to get a bit more than a terrible p/x offer but was still prepared to let it go for below market value to family.
Exactly the point I was trying to make but some people are too thick to see it that way, thanks.
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