Selling old 40k stuff

Years ago I would have gone straight to eBay without thinking about it, but its so much hassle with bad buyers, eBay taking fee's, Paypal taking fee's, by the time you are done you've lost money and time in shipping it all...
I might bang it on the FB Marketplace for £250 with the new pics and just get someone to come get them as our guest is still with us and I don't have the time or space to do anything with it other than just give it all to one person at the mo..
As I said it depends on what you want. If you want to maximise value go down eBay route if you want ease just get rid through FB for £250, you could even ask for £300 knowing you would settle for £250 and you might even get a bit more.
Guy's picking up tomorrow £250 for the lot collected, worth more but I have neither the time nor the patience to list it all separately.
Aye thats what I thought, if he drops out I might split into squads and sell that way as have already had interest in a few bits.
He's ill apparently, I also asked a trader what he'd give me for the lot, he lowballed me at £120 inc shipping so I'll start to seperate it into squads etc and listing it, I'll get more for it but just not got the time atm hence my wanting to get rid of the lot in one go...
Well about to find out, just sat down to start taking images of squads and the likes, weird that this thread gets a reply at the same time...
Well about to find out, just sat down to start taking images of squads and the likes, weird that this thread gets a reply at the same time...

If you link some for sale when you get them up on eBay I'll have a rumage through them.
The original stuff is still on the dropbox link a few posts up...
So far I have additional images for (not on Dropbox yet) the stuff I've sorted into squads and the vehicles/

Land Raider - Plastic
Rhino - Plastic
Predator - Plastic
Dreadnaught - Plasma -
Dreadnaught - Assault Cannon -
5 Space Marines - Bolters (Green/Green/Black/Green)
5 Space Marines - 3x Bolters, Lascannon, Flamer (Red/Green/Black/Green)
10 Space Marines Devastator Squad - Plasma, Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Missile/Rocket Launcher, Captain, 4x Bolters, Knife
10 Space Marines Assault Squad - Flame Pistol, 2x Plasma Pistol, Plasma Gun, 3 Bolt Guns, 2 Bolt Pistols, Flamer
10 Space Marines Death Company - Chaplain, 4x Bolter, 2x Plasma Pistol, Flame Pistol, Bolt Pistol, Sword
Jesus, that took longer than I thought it would..

Land Raider - Plastic
Rhino - Plastic
Predator - Plastic
Dreadnaught - Plasma -
Dreadnaught - Assault Cannon -
5 Space Marines - Green/Green
5 Space Marines - Red/Green
10 Space Marines Devastator Squad - Red/Blue
10 Space Marines Assault Squad - Red/Yellow
10 Space Marines Death Company
10 Human Squad
5 Space Marine Jump Pack - Red/Yellow
2 Space Marine Jump Pack (Other 3 are part painted)
Chaos Lord Terminator - Abbaddon
19 Player Orc Blood Bowl Team
Terminator Captain - Hammer/Shield
Terminator Inquisitor - Lexus
Terminator Inquisitor - Red
Space Marine Captain
Space Marine Jump Pack Medic
Eversor Assassin
Vindicare Assassin
Imperial Assassin
Space Marine Sargeant - Banner
Space Marine Standard Bearer
Terminator Captain in Power Armour
5 Squad Claw guys
5 Human Guys
5 Chaos Terminator Squad
2 Ordo Maleus Terminators
18 Terminators (inc Grey Knight, Sargents, Rocket Launcher, Wolf Guard)
Assorted Terminator arms
Ork Goffik Rok Guitar Player
Space Marine Chaplain 1988
Legion of the Damned
Space Marine Power Armour Variants x2
Space Marine Librarian
Space Marine Terminators x2
Marine Captain
Marine Captain
Trooper 1985
Eldar Jet Bike
Eldar Viper Jet Bike
Random Box of bits, arms, conversion stuff
Weirdly got a message from a guy in Notts on FB Messenger, we also have a mutual friend...

Small world and all that, picking it up on Tuesday night..
Ooof after all of that it finally went tonight, £300, £291 after PayPal fees which I forgot about...
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