Sennheiser HD 555 or 595

Different rooms. But my speakers are enough to annoy people while I'm gaming at night. It's just not as good turning the sound down. :(

they'll be fine for that.

they're completely open headphones, so there's NO sound damping whatsoever when you wear them.

if you were listening to moderately loud music, for example, someone about 2 meters away from you would faintly hear what you're hearing, but a person in another room would be completely unawares.
Quick question about the 595s...

I'm not really a headphone person so this might be obvious, but I notice they're open and so don't completely mute the sound to the outside world. I need a pair for keeping it down at night while still having good quality audio at loud-ish volumes for me. Just how intrusive would they be to others? I'm not talking particularly loud over-the-top sound, just more loud than quiet.

Hope that makes sense.

I was in the same dilema when I had my HD595s did my research and theres a few cans out there but the Audio Technic A900s (closed type) are available just make sure there the closed type for about £130-150, and sadly gotta get em imported but I did see them on the flebay the other day for £130 from a uk seller ;)

There closed and offer amazing sound quality thats different to the hd595s but closest to them... a lot say the HD595s sound better simply cos there more colourful and open... but others say they prefer the realism and closed performance of the Audiotechnic A900s..... its down to personal preference :) I love my A900s they just sound more normal the HD595s have more colour.

Personaly I will enjoy my music/films @ 3am without disturbing anyone !
i might be looking to sell my Ray Samuels Tomahawk headphone amp, but will cost you more than you're headphones.

you can make a cmoy pretty cheap though if you're that way inclinded, agree with badbob though defintely get an amp'll be amazed how better they sound driven via an amp.
Ive had the 555's and now own the 595's,the 595's do pack abit more punch but if you are watching the pennies then the 555's are still a good buy.
i might be looking to sell my Ray Samuels Tomahawk headphone amp, but will cost you more than you're headphones.

you can make a cmoy pretty cheap though if you're that way inclinded, agree with badbob though defintely get an amp'll be amazed how better they sound driven via an amp.

So having just got a pair of 595s myself, I'm unsure as to whether an amp would even benefit me. They're currently connected directly to my Xonar D2 soundcard (which certainly seems to be able to drive them in terms of volume - I have to keep the volume slider set below 40 most of the time, else they're just too loud).

I wouldn't mind purchasing a headphone amp at a later date if I knew they'd sound better through one (better in what way?), but I'd be gutted if the money spent didn't actually change anything. Thoughts?
I've also got both the 555's and the 595's. Its hard as hell to choose between them. I tend to use the 555's for late night gaming and the 595's for movies though.
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