Something that has come up, is boxing in the washer and dryer. Making the worktop a bit deeper and putting two doors in front of each. Hadn't considered that before, but it'd look quite neat?
Not sure what to do with the floor either. It's currently higher than the dining room and I don't like that. Don't like the current ceramic tiles. Kitchen guy seemed to think it'd be a hassle to get them all up - I'm not so sure. He also said that most people go for vinyl tiles rather than ceramic.. but I'm not sure about that as I'm quite keen for the kitchen floor to be hard wearing - if I drop something, the thing should smash not the floor!
Not sure what to do with the floor either. It's currently higher than the dining room and I don't like that. Don't like the current ceramic tiles. Kitchen guy seemed to think it'd be a hassle to get them all up - I'm not so sure. He also said that most people go for vinyl tiles rather than ceramic.. but I'm not sure about that as I'm quite keen for the kitchen floor to be hard wearing - if I drop something, the thing should smash not the floor!