sensor cleaning help

There's no need to clean the mirror really as dirt on there will only be seen through the viewfinder and won't appear on the images. If there's muck on there that won't shift with a blower then either leave it or, as suggested, take it to a pro. The mirror is very light to allow it to move quickly and hence is fragile.
I hate to say this, but you can really mess up, and i mean really mess up, the censor if you touch it with anything. Don't use swabs again, i use an air blower (not a deoderant kinda thing) which has a rubber bulb that you sqeeze. The manufacturer is a german company called 'Kaiser' and it is called a typhoon blower. It only cost me £9.99 and i think that it's better to spend a tenner than to have to replace your sensor. Hope this helps ;)
themask70 said:
I hate to say this, but you can really mess up, and i mean really mess up, the censor if you touch it with anything. Don't use swabs again, i use an air blower (not a deoderant kinda thing) which has a rubber bulb that you sqeeze. The manufacturer is a german company called 'Kaiser' and it is called a typhoon blower. It only cost me £9.99 and i think that it's better to spend a tenner than to have to replace your sensor. Hope this helps ;)
although I hope I dont curse myself. I have cleaned my sensor with the swab over 12 times now and mine works perfectly. If you damage it.. Its because your doing it wrong. You actually dont touch the sensor. Your swabbing the protective filter infront of it.
Fstop11 said:
although I hope I dont curse myself. I have cleaned my sensor with the swab over 12 times now and mine works perfectly. If you damage it.. Its because your doing it wrong. You actually dont touch the sensor. Your swabbing the protective filter infront of it.

SDK^ said:
There are risks involved with cleaning the sensor (AA Filter) yourself but so long as you take care and follow the precautions it's an easy job.

The link that all D-SLR owners should read :

Ohhhh, sorry guys. I have had it hammered into me that you should never touch the sensor as it will wreck it straight away. I'll still stick with my Typhoon blower though. :)
well i didn't actually buy from them. it cost me total of £35 inc delivery for 100 pec pads, eclipse cleaner 59ml and starter kit for £35.
nolimit said:
well i didn't actually buy from them. it cost me total of £35 inc delivery for 100 pec pads, eclipse cleaner 59ml and starter kit for £35.

I know where you got it from as I got the same thing. It comes in a neat little case, yes?

The problem I have found though is that once you use a pec-pad, it can leave fibres behind and especially if you cut it to fit the spatula. I have therefor just bought a pack of sensor swabs. expensive I know but I hate seeing curly little marks on my photo's even at f8.

As for touching the sensor, as stated previously, you are touching the AA filter which is robust for a light swipe with swabs and eclipse. Sometimes a rocket blower just isn't enough... ;)

PS: My camera came with dust straight from the factory.. nice :rolleyes:
Shootist said:
The problem I have found though is that once you use a pec-pad, it can leave fibres behind and especially if you cut it to fit the spatula.
You're not meant to cut the pec-pads.
Fold it around the spatula, use it once and then throw it away.
SDK^ said:
You're not meant to cut the pec-pads.
Fold it around the spatula, use it once and then throw it away.


i use it to wipe my tft at the end ;)

btw, I still have few dust spots. is it safe to clean more then twice a day? on my 1st go I just went from A>B then B>A. 2nd go A>B , B>A, A>B,B>A.

bit scared of overdoing it.
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