Sent Item To Wrong Address

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2 Jul 2005
Hey all,

I sold my Sapphire X1900XTX 512mb graphics card on that well known auction site last week, I sent it last week via Royal Mail Special Delivery and it cost me £7.75.

Now this is where it all goes horribly wrong, I received an e-mail tonight saying:

Hi Sam,
I have not received the item yet, I have checked the Royal Mail website and it states the item has been delivered and signed by someone called Matthew ???.
No idea who he may be, can you chek your end that the delivery address is correct.

At first I thought this person must be a scammer because it clearly states on the royal mail website it had been delivered and I thought nothing more of it.

So I replied asking him to check with all his neighbors as it is more than likely that one of them have signed for it and not brought it round for him.

I then got a reply saying:

Thanks Sam,
none of my neighbours are called Matthew, but I will check in the morning and let you know.

Now at this point I began to get a bit worried and started to look for my Royal Mail reciept. I finally found it and checked the address and to my horror I noticed I had infact sent the item to a person called Matthew. So I check in my paypal history and I should have sent it to someone called David and after a little bit more checking I find Matthew to be the person I sold another item to earlier that week for £13.

So this Matthew person has got quite a bargain at £13 :eek:

Anyway I quickly sent off an e-mail to Matthew explaining the whole situation and gave him the Davids address and told him I would send him some cash via paypal if he would be willing to send the card off asap.

I havent had a reply yet from Matthew but I have informed David of the stupid mistake I have done.

What are the chances of me getting this card to David keeping in mind that Matthews feedback is 143 with 98% positive but feedback doesnt really matter because I have already left him feedback for the item I sold him earlier that week.

My only hope is that he goes along with it and sends the item off to David and I cut my losses and pay postage to Matthew. But if the worst comes to the worst I have Matthews address.

I will never know how on earth I have managed to do this but I know one thing for sure, I will never do it again :mad:


The times I've been to the post office, sent something off and sat at home that evening wondering if I'd sent the item to the right place...

All I can say is fingers crossed!
Hornchurch said:
Legally does Matthew have to send it on?

I think so. IIRC if a business does that then it has x months to reclaim it, otherwise it's considered as a free gift. Why should it be different with people?
one member on here made a similar mistake when purchasing an item, he sent me the money by nochex instead of the seller

I had a great night out with my "winnings" :eek: :D ;)
what i would do is say if he can post it on to the correct person or make sumthing up like your brother might be able to pick the parcel up,that way he will be scared to keep it knowing sumone could knock on his door wanting the card back.
what i would do is say if he can post it on to the correct person or make sumthing up like your brother might be able to pick the parcel up,that way he will be scared to keep it knowing sumone could knock on his door wanting the card back.
I will do mate, I just hope it doesnt get to that stage and he offers to send it off straight away.

Will keep you all updated anyway ;)
It goes from bad to worse, I got this reply today:

HI Sam,

Hate to be the bearer of bad news - I have a lot of parcels which arrive daily - this one was attempted delivery friday - i went to pick up on saturday - i was expecting it to be something else -anyways when opened there were no details of who it was from or anything like that - there was an invoice which i checked my paypal for however no details matched up - i rang royal mail to see where i stood with this and they advised as it was addressed to me i was the legal owner and could keep it, as i use the computers here at work I had no need for it & based on this and the fact there were no details of who it was from i gave it to my mate to sell at the car boot which we split the 60 quid made 50/50.

I send my apologies for this, but unfortunatley this means I can not assist with the below, Massive apologies, if I had recieved this mail before sunday I would have assisted.

Once again massive apologies.


Where do I stand because surely he should have returned it to the return address.
Assuming there was a return address and it was clearly marked, then I would ask him for the money.

It is a bit bloody cheeky to assume its yours and then selling it.
Hyper said:
It goes from bad to worse, I got this reply today:

Where do I stand because surely he should have returned it to the return address.
Sounds like *** to me. He would have sold it on ebay and earnt more.
begbo said:
Unlucky chap, to be fair though if someone had sent me a shiny new gfx card. I would have done the same :rolleyes:
Hmm even if it had the name of someone you'd recently bought from on the return address?

I would at least have sent an email to said person asked if they'd sent it by mistake.

However, Mr Hyper, I do believe you're ******. But you should still ask him to send you the money him and "his mate" made on the sale, and use that to refund the correct buyer.

VERY unlikely to happen, though. :(
It looks like there's not much you can do. Return the buyer of the 1900xtxs money and leave it at that. Crappy to lose so much money but when you make a mistake you just have to learn not to do it again. Not much else you can do.

I once booked a return flight to amsterdam for me and a mate at €170 each and set the date to feb instead of march. Only realised after I checked the email confirmation but it was after the date in feb at that stage. From now on I triple check all flight details before booking.

The sick thing was that I had booked it all right but gone back to do a double check on the dates and it was on this double check that I got the dates wrong. It was in february so the days were the same for the dates! :(
If i recieved an item that wasn't mind, i'd like to post it to the real guy- but I just wouldn't be bothered enough to repackage it then go to the post office- its way too much hassle for no gain
I have sent him an e-mail explaining he either stops lying and sends the card onto the original buyer or refunds me the £60 he suposidly sold it on for (of course he is lying because he would have stuck it back on the auction site since he is a frequent user on there).

Will see what I get back, well this has spoiled my day :mad:

Is there anyway I can get his phone number?
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