Sent Item To Wrong Address

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Just informed Ebay with the situation to see what their view is on it.

I also spoke to Barclays legal advise and they said that Matthew is fully responsible for either returning the item to me or paying the full value of what the item was sold for. They told me to first of all send him a formal letter explaining what I plan on doing and if I still dont get a reply to take it to the small claims court where it will probably cost around £30 to £40 initially but it will probably all go in my favor.
Hyper said:
Just informed Ebay with the situation to see what their view is on it.

I also spoke to Barclays legal advise and they said that Matthew is fully responsible for either returning the item to me or paying the full value of what the item was sold for. They told me to first of all send him a formal letter explaining what I plan on doing and if I still dont get a reply to take it to the small claims court where it will probably cost around £30 to £40 initially but it will probably all go in my favor.

Good luck.

How much did you originally sell the card to David for?
Hyper said:
Just informed Ebay with the situation to see what their view is on it.

I also spoke to Barclays legal advise and they said that Matthew is fully responsible for either returning the item to me or paying the full value of what the item was sold for. They told me to first of all send him a formal letter explaining what I plan on doing and if I still dont get a reply to take it to the small claims court where it will probably cost around £30 to £40 initially but it will probably all go in my favor.

It'll most definately go in your favour legally, people seem to be confusing accidently delivered goods with unsolicited deliveries, two completely different scenarios. If you win in court (and I'm sure you will if it gets that far) he has to stump up the fee for initiating the claim as well.
I offered him £10 to send it onto the original buyer which I thought was fair as it cost me £7.70 to send by Special Delivery originally.
This happenned once - thankfully it was RM's cockup! I had 2 items - a computer, and a roof rack for a van. They ended up and opposite houses, and the poor buyers emailed me rather confused wondering why their computer had turned into a roof rack and vice versa. In the end RM took it upon themselv es to pick up each of the items free of charge and rectify the issues.. which is good cos i'd just spent £45 on delivery of the items!

Good luck with this dude! When stuff like this happens I just end up wanting the ground to swallow me up... :(
M3G4UK said:
This happenned once - thankfully it was RM's cockup! I had 2 items - a computer, and a roof rack for a van. They ended up and opposite houses, and the poor buyers emailed me rather confused wondering why their computer had turned into a roof rack and vice versa. In the end RM took it upon themselv es to pick up each of the items free of charge and rectify the issues.. which is good cos i'd just spent £45 on delivery of the items!

Good luck with this dude! When stuff like this happens I just end up wanting the ground to swallow me up... :(

Something is confusing about what you have just written... How on earth if correctly addressed could that have happened?
laissez-faire said:
Something is confusing about what you have just written... How on earth if correctly addressed could that have happened?

I had printed the correct addresses on the packages, made sure the labels were waterproof etc. However, RM also had a copy of the addresses and the idiot on the van stuck his own labels on, not reading mine, so he stuck the RM ones on the wrong parcels. Technically, I had them addressed correctly, but RM went by the labels that the bloke stuck on them. Don't ask why... my labels were FINE! huge letters, and correct addresses!
Even though it was your mistake this guy seems like an ar*e and deserves what he gets.

Any decent person wouldn't go and sell something valuable that randomly appears in the post, and least he could have done is offer you the £60 he solf the card for.
First I would refund the original buyer and email them briefly explaining whats happened. They should be taken out of the whole thing. I would then get in touch with the auction site, they MIGHT have a policy for this, not to sure. They might not want to know. As for driving to Matts house, i wouldnt do this but i would probably try to bluff him by send him a FRIENDLY email saying that you are in his area next weekend and you will happily call round to sort it all out. I agree with others in that this car-boot sale story is rubbish, he's just trying to make the card sound untracable to you (and him). Have you checked his recent auctions? Has the card shown up there at all? If you could find it there it could make things look a lot worse for him. I would do all that before i considered my next move but might be one to put down to experience. Sorry. :(
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Just under 6 years ago I sold a monitor on OCUK for a couple of grand (it was a 20.1” back in the days when a 15” cost 300+)

I accidently sent it to another ocuk user who also bought something small from me at the time.

The chap was very nice about it and let my dad go round and pick it up.
MickeyFinns said:
Even though it was your mistake this guy seems like an ar*e and deserves what he gets.

Any decent person wouldn't go and sell something valuable that randomly appears in the post, and least he could have done is offer you the £60 he solf the card for.

he went and picked it up from the post office on sat and sold it on a boot sale sunday elegedly, i got all the telephone numbers for hyper today of the man, i also spoke to him on the phone with no avail he isnt gonna do anything just offering £30 if he believed he had no rights he wouldnt have offerd that
paul_64l said:
he went and picked it up from the post office on sat and sold it on a boot sale sunday elegedly, i got all the telephone numbers for hyper today of the man, i also spoke to him on the phone with no avail he isnt gonna do anything just offering £30 if he believed he had no rights he wouldnt have offerd that

well how much was it worth?

ask for the full 60 and call it quits.
there we go....had to be done....

I would send the following email then proceed straight to the small claims court...

Dear (his name),

I am extremely disappointed with the stance you have taken regarding my wrongly delivered graphics card. You are attempting to profit from my genuine and honest mistake.

I do not believe your claim that it did not occur to you to simply return to the item to the sender's address clearly labelled on the package. Therefore I can only assume that it was your intent to steal the item, "to steal" in the legal sense meaning "to permanently deprive".

I have attempted to reach a reasonable compromise with you but to no avail. You still seem intent on keeping the item for yourself. Therefore, I am demanding the immediate return of the graphics card following which I will reimburse the postage cost or, if you have indeed sold it, the full commercial value of the item which is £120.00 as this was the winning bid on my auction (number #########).

I will expect your cheque or the graphics card to be delivered to my home address within 5 working days. If this is not received, I will proceed immediately without further warning to the small claims court. You will then be required by law to reimburse me as well as paying all court fees.

Your actions are morally reprehensible. Fortunately people like you are in the minority; most people are decent, honest human beings who would do to others as they would wish to have done to them.


Your name.
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