I give up. I'll post one more time.
If the items are deemed unsolicited, then he will have threatened legal action over unsolicited goods. That's how it works.
If the items aren't deemed unsolicited, then he is perfectly in his right to have demanded the items back.
There is no point either of us saying it's definitely one, or definitely the other. We have no experience in the law and so can only speculate. If people who deal with these situations often cannot come up with a simple answer, I doubt either of us can.
I can see exactly where you're coming from. I've not said you're wrong, and so there's really no need (in my opinion) to continually counter my views, as it only leads to confusion. There is no benefit to us saying one is right, because we could be completely wrong. I've successfully pointed out that it could go either way, and that two different scenarios can unfold relying on what the situation is deemed to be, solicited or unsolicited. We can only speculate as to whether or not they are, and speculation isn't reason for dismissal of a viewpoint.
Good luck with this, OP.
Explicit said:
Calm down.
Let me correct your inaccurate statement once again...
If the goods are unsolicited, the OP has committed no offences under UGA/Regs because he is a private seller. All it means is that he cannot recover his money or property. There are no offences or fines because he did not demand payment or threaten legal action in the course of a business.
If the goods are not unsolicited, the OP can recover his money.
Offences/fines are completely irrelevant, he is a private seller.
I've not seen where it says private sellers are exempt from this law. I'll reread your post, though
Second edit: Found the part you're referring to. Seems like he is exempt, but then why would CAB/CD not tell me this? I know it sounds like I think they're God, but no offence to you, I'm going with the official voice with experience on this one. Not saying you're wrong, though!
Third edit: To Legoman underneath, he stated he has sent a letter requesting the goods or the value of the goods within 14 days. I also think he included that it will be taken to court if this is not satisfied, but I'm not sure about that one.