Separate drives, gaming rig

16 Aug 2004
Bit of advice needed as Im not too hot on this subject.

Is there much advantage to having the OS on a small separate drive and my games, apps on another?

I'm gonna build a NAS device, so that will store everything, leaving my rig quit light.

Just wonder if two drives would be better than one with a partition.

what's peoples thoughts?

(then suggest some drives)

Different Drives

As to whether there is a speed advantage in doing so, maybe but only a small one

However I always install my OS on a seperate hard drive to my games, applications or whatever else I have on my PC

I guess this comes mainly from the fact that is how I set up servers at work and also because I use imaging software to back my PC up so re-imaging just the OS drive is quick and easy
Im gonna get new harddrives for my rig.(gaming, very little storage)

Whats best (in terms of speed vs price vs practicality)

2 150gb 7200 drives in Raid0 (or smaller drives?)

2 150gb 7220 drives, one for OS and one for games

1 150gb for aplications etc and 70gb raptor for OS

2 70gb raptors in Raid0

really appreciate some help cheers.
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