Seperates vs AV receiver

Agree about your concerns over the receiver, but you don't need a PC etc for Tidal, a streamer can do it directly, i.e Linn DS and now Naim can as well.
I genuinely think a Sonos connect and an integrated amp, or power amp is the solution here. The connect is a cheap box with a very reasonable DAC, you can output via optical or via analogue. Connect analogue from the Sonos connect into your integrated amp, or pre amp.

I would look at an integrated amp that supports input bypass from your AV receiver (mentioned earlier, the Roksan K3 does, there may be cheaper alternates). Or, get one without and use the volume matching method (would grow tiresome for me!).

So then you have the following scenarios, depending if you want rid of your Marantz or not:
Sonos connect > integrated amp (or pre-amp) > your Marantz power amp.
Sonos connect > integrated amp.

As well as:

AV amp pre out L&R > integrated amp > your Marantz power amp.
AV amp pre out L&R > your Marantz power amp.
AV amp pre out L&R > integrated amp.

The advantage here is that you can switch the source of your amp to muck about with your Sky box or HTPC or whatever without stopping music playback.

Have a google about the quality of the Sonos Connect as is, it's very good. If you really want you can get your own one upgraded, or even buy one with the work done already.

You can add Spotify, TIDAL, Deezer and others to Sonos. Plus you can play your own ripped music over it, and if you decide to expand the system through your house/flat with some Play:1's or larger speakers then it's ideal.
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