Septoplasty op experiences

I had a septoplasty done, my nose was pretty bad according to the surgeon from doing muay thai.

It hurts like **** the next day though, and when they pull the packing out.... be prepared. They stick huge dressings inside your nose.

General anasthetic was amazing though.... stuck the needle in and I felt cold rush up my left arm then boom... it all went black instantly. I'm glad I had it done though.
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I remember when I went in for gall bladder removal I had GA.

Was chatting with the anaesthetist, before i knew it was out like a light. Woke up post surgery and the first thing that came to me was the last question I was about to ask him.

Felt like literally seconds had gone but it was actually several hours.

fyi Think of naked ladies as you go under, it will be the first thing you think about when you wake. Might surprise a nurse or two :P
It would be good to hear if anyone else has had this operation done or had general anesthesia, and what there experiences of it were?

I've had general anaesthesia and my experience of it the anaesthetic itself was that there was no experience. One instant I was on a bed in a room with some doors that I presume led to the operating room, the next instant I was in a different bed in a different place at a different time. No experience at all. No sensation of time passing. Nothing. In terms of experience, it was as though I'd been instantly teleported through space and time.

Beforehand, I'd done some reading on anaesthesia because I like to understand things. I had no idea before then how advanced a speciality it is. About 15 years studying and training required. That was reassuring.

Checking in was as you'd expect - charming hospital wear (that lovely open gown thing), lots of checking medical notes and cross-checking with you (I was asked by 4 people about possible allergies) and waiting.

Being wheeled to the operating room was like TV programs - down corridors on your back with the lights on the ceiling going past. For some reason, I wasn't expecting it to actually be like that.

The anaesthesia was extremely efficient. Comfortably reassuring anaesthetist. I genuinely didn't even feel them inserting the needle into the back of my hand (I was looking away because seeing needles going into me makes me want to run away). They told me that when they injected the anaesthetic I might or might not feel a sensation of cold in my arm and either way was fine, then they asked if it was OK to put the anaesthetic in now...and then I woke up somewhere and somewhen else. Forget the counting backwards from 10 thing. I wouldn't have made it to 8. A couple of seconds at most.

Coming out of the anaesthetic, I was well off my head. Absolutely super fabulousness in abundance. Someone, presumably a nurse, came over as soon as I was conscious to ask me if I was all right. I grinned and giggled. I might have drooled. Her question was the funniest and most wonderful thing that had ever happened in the history of the universe and so was everything else. I found out later that they'd given me morphine because the operation was one that would result in significant post-operative pain. I react very well indeed to opiates.

Some time later, when I was more together, I had the best food I've ever tasted. I'm sure that was due to not haven eaten for too long. Objectively, the food was probably as good as can be expected from large scale cooking to a budget.

Then I checked myself out rather than staying overnight. I was in a fair bit of pain later, when the drugs wore off. I probably should have stayed in overnight, as I was advised to do.

But all in all, it was a pretty good experience other than the period of not eating or drinking beforehand.
I had it done for same reasons. The opp was a non event but 2 weeks with tampons up your nose is a pain and then the scar tissue removal too. Solved my issue.
GA is not always without complications. If you've been fine in the past then great but be sure to bring up any problems with your consultant as soon as you notice them. Don't just shrug your shoulders.

If it's a short operation then in all likelihood you'll be fine and dandy. :)
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Had a septorhinoplasty just last month, in fact.

And a septoplasty back in March.

Going under was no big deal. Needle goes in hand or arm as normal, you have a mask to breathe some oxygen or whatever, after a few seconds you get double vision, a few seconds after that you're out for the count.

After the March op there was a fair bit of bleeding, needed to change the gauze a few times over the course of the first night.

The 2nd op a couple weeks ago didn't bleed nearly as much, despite being a more complex op.

My nose is all sorts of messed up, and my breathing is much better but still not 100%. Another consultation in a couple months to see where we go from here.

Would recommend getting it done - there really is nothing to be afraid of at all. I'm a massive wuss so if I can go through with it anyone can :p
Thanks to all for sharing their experiences, if anything it has reassured me more to go through with the operation, although I'm not looking forward to having tampons stuffed up my nose hehe.
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GA is fine, you honestly think your asleep for about a second. The minute you go to sleep you wake up. Very strange. It's like.....have you even started it yet?

These days its so much better than 30 years ago. They used gas which smelt horrific!!! I can still taste it to this day
Reviving an old topic sorry.

I had septoplasty in Wednesday, what a miserable 48 hours it's been so far between the packing, having the packing removed (OMFG) and now the constant leaking and blocked nose.

Merry Christmas haha
The best bit is when the packing and stitching starts to dissolve and you accidentally blow a big wad of bloody mess out on your desk. That was a delightful experience. :cry:
Had GA about 20 years ago. I don't remember coming to but apparently the first thing I did was pull the tube out of my hand & tell a nurse I wanted to steal a car.

Was basically like a heavy, heavy drinking session & waking up still completely smashed. I felt sick for hours & when i got offered a cheese sandwich & some orange juice I puked everywhere about 5 mins later, not a pleasant experience.
I’ve had 2 operations on my nose now. I broke it when i was around 6 and never had it fixed till I was about 20 following years or only breathing through one nostril. Was an absolute god send once the initial healing was done.

Then broke it again playing football about a year before my wedding. I can still breathe fine now although I think most nerves in there are ruined.

I would say I wish it was a bit “better” shaped though!
I've had GA loads of times that I actually look forward to it now. If you tell them you're really nervous they will often mix an opioid with it to space you out. It's a wonderful feeling if they do that. As soon as it hits your brain you couldn't care less about anything.

Yeah a shot of morphine can only be described as beautiful. OP I highly recommend you act super nervous as they will hook you up to calm you down. Pre op meds used to be standard but they don't seem to do them anymore, I certainly didn't get one this time :(

Had plenty of GA myself, the last one just 2 months ago. I had double vision for a good hour after this one, I don't remember ever having it that badly before. Of course there is also the standard cotton mouth and sometimes a sore throat from being intubated.
Yeah a shot of morphine can only be described as beautiful. OP I highly recommend you act super nervous as they will hook you up to calm you down. Pre op meds used to be standard but they don't seem to do them anymore, I certainly didn't get one this time :(

Had plenty of GA myself, the last one just 2 months ago. I had double vision for a good hour after this one, I don't remember ever having it that badly before. Of course there is also the standard cotton mouth and sometimes a sore throat from being intubated.
When it comes to premeds, a lot of hospitals use low dose Fentanyl now instead of Morphine. I’ve had it a few times.

Its little wonder it’s become such a drug problem in society, the stuff’s mental!
I've had a septoplasty, a year after I had surgery for a having part of my jose and lips stitched back on.

My nose was shattered in the same accident. They left a stent type thing in my nose for a couple weeks after the surgery and when that was taken out I had to snort salt water for a few weeks.

As far as going under GA, you barely remember before and after. I don't recall any weird feelings or sickness. I didn't have any additional meds for pain etc. I was a bit swollen after and almost had black eyes. The outcome was worth it, I can breather better now than from before the accident.
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