Serious PC problem I need help with.

5 Feb 2004
South Shields, UK
I built my new PC about 1-2 weeks ago with the following spec.

E6600 C2D
2Gb GeIL PC6400 Ultra Low Latency DDR2
P5B Deluxe WiFi
Powercolor 512Mb X1900XT
Soundblaster X-fi Music*
Hiper Type R 580w PSU*
Sony DDU-1615 DVD-ROM*
NEC 4550 DVD-RW*
2 x Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320GB ST3320620AS SATA-II 16MB*
Lian-Li PC65*

The components denoted with a '*' were used again from my previous setup.

As you can see from the spec I was fairly chuffed with my new rig.

Now I switched the PC off lastnight and spent the night at my girlfriends. I didn't actually 'see' the PC shut down, just remember seeing the 'windows is shutting down screen' if you know what I mean.

I've come in this morning to find the PC in a sort of half on half off state, and the thing will NOT boot.

I switched the power supply off from the switch on the back and the PC switches off. Now the weird thing is, if I switch the PSU back on from the rear the PC automatically tries to boot itself instead of staying in standby awaiting me to press the power button on the case. It still dosn't boot fully, just stays in that half on half off state. You can see the fans speeding up and then slowing down!

I'm at my wits end here, my last PC was replaced because I thought my DFI Lanparty was broken, as that started to misbehave when shutting down and powering up, so I'm starting to wonder if there's something about the Hiper Type R that is eating up motherboards.

Please, if anyone has had similar issues or has some useful advice, let me know :(
Well it was the Hyper Type R that was causing the issue.

Just went and bought a cheap 35 quid EZCool 600w PSU from a local shop and PC has worked perfectly.

The Hyper is only 1.5 years old aswell. Will be getting sent back and replaced ASAP!
Yup, Hipers are prone to failing totally. Their RMA service, however, is rather good (no doubt due to experience).

Please let me know how many Amps your new PSU can handle at 12V. Although it's 600W, I'm almost 100% certain it's not fully up to the job.
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