Serious problems with PC, help needed...

1 Oct 2006
If I anyone can help/advise me I'd be eternally grateful.

I have a PC that was built for me by a friend at work (dont have any contact though now) about two years ago. It's a AMD Athlon XP Barton. I'm pretty sure it was either 2800 or 3200. I can't remember. A gig of ram and a 240g HDD (well it's two 120 HDDs but the guy said it was some thing where it's reads faster)

Now I've noticed in control panel system, it says it's 1.10 ghz. I've noticed my CPU goes to 100% pretty quick these days, just uses Azureus, winamp and Firefox.

Here are links of device manager and Everest CPU reader.



Also the temps Everest reads are

Voltage: CPU CORE - 1.8
Cooling fan cpu - 2.7
WD HDD temp - 32
CPU - 44
Mobo - 35

A person on another forum told me this is really hot and probably melting my CPU and HDD. All my fans work fine. I usually leave my PC on 24/7 and turn it off once a week for a few days if I'm away.

I use this PC as a recording studio and I'm worried about it's stability. I'm mainly a mac guy so not really comfortable tinkering with my PC but will if I have to.

I also read on another PC test that my CPU maximum clock was 3000

Any help would be great..

Oh and this is my first post. Hopefully my future posts won't be so negative!!
First off whoever told you it was melting, give them a slap, that is not hot for a Socket A system. But you could always get a can of compressed air and blow the dust out of the insides of the case and coolers, while it is off naturally.

As for your cpu speed, sounds like the FSB has dropped from 166 to 133 or 100. Has someone been fiddling with the bios ?

The Athlon Xp cpu's including the Barton cores had a Rating rather than flat Mhzs/Ghz title and the fastest Barton was the XP3200 it ran on a 200mhz fsb with an 11 multiplier.

Get yourself a program called CPUZ, it is small and will tell you what your cpu is and what spec it is currently running at.
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I got a can of compressed air from ****** earlier (£10!) and blown a ton of dust off everything. Excluding my gfx card I have 4 fans in my case I think.

Here is a CPU- Z reading. This means nothing to me, hopefully someone can understand what speed it was stock and then help me adjust it!


No one has messed with the BIOS. I don't even know how to. I think the only thing I did about 9 months ago was diable my onboard soundcard as I use an audio interface (yet it still shows in control panel with a cross)

So those temps are OK? what about my hard drive temp? This was just after I turned my PC on. I'm worried about leaving my PC on at night now incase it bursts into flames! Thanks for the help!
How do I do that? And how do I tell what my stock CPU speed is?

Also, are those temps too hot? I dont want my PC to blow up.

This has more detail. You will need to change the FSB in the bios.

Still not sure on your actual chip rating/speed though. Definitely a Barton Core though. With an 11 multiplier.
Choices are: XP 2500 or XP 3200
Thats it.

Now given your memory is only 133/266 then i'm guessing its a Barton 2500. And the 4:3 memory divider would back that up, i think.
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Hmm, 2500 makes more sense. That would be equivalent to 1800 right?

I remember reading somewhere it's maxium clock was 3000. That was with a report by Everest.

Will look through the Wiki. Wiki always amazes and contains thing I'd never have thought of!

Do you think those temps are ok? Or maybe I should get some more fans? I could do with some quieter fans actually. When I had my PC off last night and was using my powerbook it felt kind of strange without the noise.

Thanks again for the help. I almost bought a new CPU and Mobo today
I'm pretty sure I remember the numbers 3200 and 2400 too. There must be someway to tell for certain. Is there a number to look for on the CPU? a code or something?
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