Serious question about east asian women

They can't drive so get your hands on a police radio and listen out for any car crashes. You're bound to find one eventually.
forro your dreams

LMAO at the comments about LSE - so true tbh....

just pop down to 'Crush' @ the LSE student's union

most of these asian girls are minted - their mummy & daddy are paying something like 20k in tuition for 1 year
It's a good starting place.. but u gotta trawl through a multitude of munters beforehand.
Good luck lol.
I believe their student night is Crush or something. I went once and it was poo.

how old are you? so wierd that people outside of LSE goto crush. if you really want to meet them crush isnt where its at, lse library is haha
I can bet most Eastern Asians think we have funny looking faces! I like Eastern Asian birds the same way I like Brazilian, English, White, Black what ever girls. Beauty isn't race specific ;)
Having spent the last four months living in an asian country, I certainly prefer them to Caucasian women. I don't see the problem with some people not being able to say "r", although it is funny when thai girls try to say "vegetables" but it tends to come out as "wedstibles"... still, I know how funny I sound speaking thai...
What about just all of them together? lol at this thread though...

but since i'm here, anyone know where to pick up disabled women? more severe the better.
What about just all of them together? lol at this thread though...

but since i'm here, anyone know where to pick up disabled women? more severe the better.
Half of them aren't fit though.

For disabled people I'd recommend scoping the hospital, designated car park spaces, mobility shops, keep causing accidents like car crashes, and maybe you'll find your destiny on the receiving end of your wrecklessness. :p
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