Seriously annoying connection problems.

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
Im having major connection problems with my ADSL connection at the moment. I connect on a 1Mb line using a BT voyager 105 ADSL modem. The connection has never been hugely amazing due to my SNR value etc are just about on the limit for a 1Mb line(Can't remember what the values are, but they were tested by BT) As I live about 2 miles from the Exchange, and most of our towns phonelines are made from alluminium apparently. But recently I have been getting disconnected every 10 minutes or so. I wouldnt mind if the connection dropped, then the auto redial connected again, but it doesn't. Most of the time, it simply comes up with errors when it tries to auto redial, and I have to unplug the modem, and plug it back in again for the connection to work again. I have also noticed that a lot of the connection problems happen during rain/bad weather. The errors I normally get are;

Error 718
Error 721: The remote computer did not respond.
Error 734: The PPP link control protocol was terminated.
Link to BT voyager 105 ADSL modem connection failed. Reconnect pending

Does anyone have any idea what is causing this? Is it my modem, a BT problem, or an ISP problem(Im with Freedom2Surf)? Plewase help, as its really annoying me now.
my friend's internet connection would drop out frequently and BSOD with the BT voyager 105.

so i let him borrow my Binatone 2000 router (free from isp) which he connected to his ethernet port rather than usb and had no problems since.
Yeah, Ive read that the BT 105 is a pile of ****. I did try borrowing an Alcatel something or other off my mate, and eventually managed to find the drivers for it. I managed to set it up alright, but when I tried dialing up, it just hung on the Confirming Username and password screen. I know these were right. It was as if F2S didn't recognise the new modem. If it does come down to buying a new modem/router.. which one do you reccomend? I don't need a multi port router really, as the modem connects to my server, which is then connected to a hub, and everything connects to that.
Anything from Netgear would be good -especially if you have a crap line ;)

Namely, the Netgear DG834 if you don't want wireless, or the DG834G if you do?

Just don't get tempted by the DG834GT :eek:

Cheers. No I don't really want wireless, as its just something else to add to the connection problem equation. I'll have to have a look at that netgear one then. My current hub is a 5 port netgear one, so thats all good. Ive now sent an error report to F2S as well, to see what they suggest. With it disconnecting during bad weather, I could have water in the phonelines, as my mate had this and produced similar symptoms.
messiah khan said:
With it disconnecting during bad weather
My Max DSL connection is generally trouble free but yesterday and on wednesday, I had numerous connection problems caused by a local thunderstorm.
I assume it was this because when I picked up the phone, the line was all crackly and as soon as the thunderstorm moved away, my connection was stable again!
Sounds like your line is pretty poor, do you have any log of CRC errors in the router log after it disconnects?

You could try buying a better quality modem but you might want to phone BT and get an engineer to check your line. It costs nothing for work done on the line from your house to the exchange so it's worth a try, they fixed my line when i had problems like yours and my line nopw supports 2mb from 1mb due to the increased quality of line they fitted.

Only time there is a cost is if they have to do work on your houses internal phone wiring.
I dont have a router, I have a BT voyager 105 ADSL modem. But I am running a log in windows at the moment, I'll see what that comes up with. And yes, my line is poor, as I live about 2 miles from the exchange, and its mostly alluminium lines between me and the exchange. Im going to see what my ISP says, because if they send out the BT engineer, it won't cost me anything, even if its the internal wiring(Which im sure its not anyway)
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