Server Raid

27 Jul 2003
Just interested in this one, for a standard decent business level 2003 file server or small SBS server what is the preferred or recommended raid setup.

The ones I've seen have 2 mirrored disks for the OS and 3 disks in raid 5 for data, however the other day was in a data centre with Dell Servers and these appeared to have 4 disks in a raid 5 (I assume), 4x145GB 15k the data drive was 300GB so I assume 4 disk raid 5 with the drive partitioned.

This setup saves a disk however does it impact on real world performance, machine had plenty of ram 4GB so I guess to minimise page file use.
Thank you for the replies it's quite a complex topic when you start to dig into it especially when you start optimising for certain applications.

I guess there is always a performance/cost ratio to take into account. Some interesting points too that I never realised.
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