Server room temperature alerts via SMS/phone?

30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Hi All,

Had a bit of a near miss on Saturday night. The AC in one of the server rooms threw a wobbly and turned off. Luckily enough, I happened to see the emails from the hosts and SAN complaining at about midnight, by the time I got there the room itself was about 50c and everything had shut down except the switches ('ard ******* they are). Close call, Monday morning would have been a bundle of fun.

At the moment I am exploring options for SMS and phone alerts and have found a couple of GSM devices - does anyone have any experience of these?
Personally just rely on email for this - have a separate email account that I just include in the distribution group that our servers, upses etc are set to email. Have this added to my personal phone and had no issues with emails.

If you after actual SMS messages etc may be easier to look at one of the online email->SMS gateways e.g. something like
then you can just add the phone number as an email address.
Thanks. Issue is that with a young family and active social life, email in general tends to get missed at the weekend and it was only that I was looking for something else that I saw it. I'm fairly protective of my time with regards to work as previously worked in a small startup which was very pervasive... If it isn't on fire or about to be I'm not interested :p

In cases like this a phone call would be welcome though
I use an AVtech room alert with a GSM modem on a PC which sends text alerts, and also emails or will shutdown machines.
Ubiquiti mFi. Has room temperature, humidity and you can add motion sensors as well. Can be set to email out on events such as temperature above X or humidity above X.

I set mine for alert on motion when I'm not about.
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