I've been asked for my input in speccing a server.
The options from HP seem to be either U320 SCSI or 2.5" SAS. The SCSI can come in 15k rpm, but the 2.5" SAS only 10k rpm.
If the SAS drives came in 3.5" we could get 15k and the decision would be made, but they don't.
Does anyone know if the 2.5" SAS at 10k would be significantly slower than U320 SCSI 15k in a RAID 5 configuration?
The options from HP seem to be either U320 SCSI or 2.5" SAS. The SCSI can come in 15k rpm, but the 2.5" SAS only 10k rpm.
If the SAS drives came in 3.5" we could get 15k and the decision would be made, but they don't.
Does anyone know if the 2.5" SAS at 10k would be significantly slower than U320 SCSI 15k in a RAID 5 configuration?