Server setup advice / Plex headless on Ubuntu server

Another vote for UNRAID as it solved a lot of the problems I had in one go. How can I access my home network remotely and securely (an OpenVPN docker image), how can I stream my media across the house and remotely (Plex docker image), how can I keep up with TV series/movies (CouchPotato and Sickrage scripts), how can I run a 24/7 Windows server (unRAID VM), keep torrents running (DelugeVPN), newsgroup downloads (NabNZB) etc etc.

I'm running all of the above on an old machine I used to use for VMware which I'd stuck in the loft and forgotten about (Q9550, 8GB RAM). It lives under the stairs now booting off a USB key - no monitor needed. UnRAID is bloody marvellous.
Hi again,

I have decided to go with Unraid.

I must say, wow I'm impressed with the options.

I'm still getting to grips with it, I have a plex docker mounted and the community app tool.

Thanks for the recommendation from everyone.
I run the exact setup you are asking about OP.

Ubuntu Server running on a "home brew" server with Ubuntu 16.04 and running Plex.

It really is incredibly easy to do once Ubuntu is installed.
SSH into the server and navigate your way to something harmless (/home usually good), use WGET command to download the latest version of Plex from the link for Ubuntu installs on their website and let it do the rest.

This. If you SSH across and suddenly think 'oh god what do I do' there are loads of literally copy and paste guides on how to download the latest distro of plex (service stop, wget and paste in the link to the latest one you want off the plex site and then use dpkg to unpack it over the top)
Those who run Ubuntu server and plex.

If you have say 3x 3tb hdd can you create a pool. If so can you add a drive to the zfs pool later on.

As this is the benefit with Unraid.
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