Server setup

I have given up!!!!

I have read and read loads of forums loads of documents, looked for youtube and other media but alas, this is way to advantageous for a new starter like me.

Ia m so gutted i got all the osses but alas cannot do anything with them, its far to hard and defiantley not enough documentaion for me to put so much time into this, i am so tiered nwo i have missed several nights sleep trying to sort this, i have tried al fo the above software but i need hand holding tbh so i have seen it done a few times so i can walk out on my own and install and fix protential eorros..
ther eis no where near enogh documentiaon for windows server 2012, this is becuase its new ofc. i should be trying essentials and i cannot get hold of it for free(i cnanot afford to spend more money on this)

So for now im gutte dim going to have to use windows home server 2011 for now and hope i cna build onto it for now until more documentiaon, im sure what i want to do is very doable and easy jsut i lack the skills, (since i havenrt done this before)

So thank you for the replies, im going to go into a corner and get drunk.
You should try setting it up before cracking open the tinnies, it might make more sense ;)

If it's a home lab, then staying up all night is a bit OTT. It's meant to be reasonably enjoyable, not sleep deprivation based torture!
I can set the os up
i installed remote desktop role
i installed hyper v
this is on windows 2012 the anoying part is the essentials is what i needed as its been quoted as a replacement for windows home server 2011.

I have installed windows home server 2011, gotta say i dont like it , looks quite basic,but then im quite new.

and as for meant to be fun, it was beiliant fun, until i realised what i had let myself into.
The anoying part is i know windows 2012 can most propberly do what i need a ton better than windows home server 2011.
its the lack of knollege and lack of i sppose not enough other people trying to do it.

It woudl be better if there wa sa step by step guide for me to follow. then i could just do that and learn on the way, but sadley there isnt, wich is a shame when you see so many people uisng windows server 2012 in videos. just not enough people sharing information on how to do it, i realsie there is a time thing involved.

but hey such is life
I think we are a little unclear as to what you want to do the WHS 2011 is unable to.

Datacenter is pretty heavy but you have to understand who and what use it is designed for. Coming from very little it is like asking someone to drive a high powered sports car after just passing their driving test on a Fiat Punto. They may be able to do it but are unlikely to do it well without lots of time invested and with a steep learning curve.

WHS 2011 is a good starting point but I would still look at SBS 2011 as it is WIndows Server 2008r2 plus the extra stuff like Exchange, sharepoint and remote access but it has a setup gui/helper to get you going and you can move on to the full Server Manager as you progress. One main advantage is you can use the GUI to make changes and then check the changes that have been made to get a better understanding rather than ending up in a try/fail loop and not having any help on call. The downside is that it does not support virtualisation but if you install it on a ESXi / Hyper-V setup then you have the best of both worlds.

Don't forget to check out the WHS 2011 Thread in the Windows Software sub-forum as well as there are a lot of people with advice who have been using it for quite a while and have been pushing the limits with it.

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