Serving spirits (or not) at a party

18 Oct 2002
My mate Pete did a curry for a bunch of us at the weekend. I took a bottle of Martin Miller's which he and I demolished (although he did invite me round a bit earlier for pre-curry gin) over the course of the evening.

you parted with your gin? :eek:
21 Jun 2006
Their party their rules is fair. Though i expect quite a few may leave after 2 or 3 drinks or just stop drinking.
I’ll suggest a side table of mixers and spirits that i dont mind manning for a while and serving a few drinks. Nothing too crazy, few bottles of soft drinks and 5 bottles if spirits

So you have decided to just completely ignore all advice given in the thread?

Also ratio of mixers to spirits seems wrong. I'd say 2 bottles of mixer per bottle of spirits as shock horror a lot of people will be drinking mixers only. Plus the cost of a mixer is nothing so it doesn't matter if you have a few bottles left over. Unless 4 of the bottles are going to be whisky or other things people normally drink straight.

I mean how does 2 bottles of mixer and 5 bottles of spirits compute?
22 Dec 2011
My parents are organising a party and have wine, beers and champagne.

I said myself and other family members would bring spirits but parents said they don't want spirits as apparently it will get complicated with people wanting xyz drink instead of getting wine/beer/champagne. Plus would need to have all different mixers and people would end up very drunk if leaving spirits open for people to drink as they please.

Now personally I have never been to a party (or hosted one) where spirits were not welcome not would I like it. I know for sure some of my friend would even go out to get spirits or leave early and go to bars if none were available/could bring their own

I tend to have a few beers then go onto shorts instead of feeling overly bloated on beers. Some people I know only drink shorts like whiskey and a dash of coke. Wine I usually have with a meal

Usually at other peoples parties I bring a few beers, maybe a bottle of wine and a bottle of spirits to share around and leave them when the party is done, presuming any remain.

If hosting ill have some mixers and maybe a bottle of vodka, gin and JD. If people wish to bring their own, then so be it

I'm all for contributing to beers and wine but is am I being unreasonable to think its a bit crappy if there are no spirits - even if its bringing them myself?

If you are taking vodka, gin and JD.

You'll probably want Redbull, Lemonade, Coke, Tonic water
10 Oct 2005
Sounds like your parents are putting together a nice social event so family and close friends can spend some time together, in which case the point of the event is not to get plastered. Regardless, it's your parents party and your parents rules, some of the responses from people saying they'd be "****** off" or "leave early to go to the pub" in such a scenario makes them come across as very rude, very entitled, and probable drunkards.

Exactly this. Maybe the OP will realise one day that parties are not necessarily for just get ****** but are actually for spending time with people. And their party, their rules. Don't like it don't go.
22 Apr 2016
@the op. Are you genuinely unable to cope without spirits for just one night? If so go and see your GP.

If not.... man up and make do with beer/wine/champagne!
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