Seth Macfarlanes Orville (star trek spoof)

4 episodes in and this is starting to be very good
Star trek spoof doesn't really describe this show, its sci-fi with a bit of comedy

As an avid fan of star trek , I think this is way better than the 2 episodes
of start trek discovery that have been aired
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Trailer reminded me of Galaxy Quest more than Star Trek.

yeah does seem a bit galaxy quest -ish..

4 episodes in and this is starting to be very good
Star trek spoof doesn't really describe this show, its sci-fi with a bit of comedy

As an avid fan of start trek , I think this is way better than the 2 episodes
of start trek discovery that have been aired

Is it shown in the UK via Sky, Netflix etc.. or do you need to download?
I think it's okay... There are parts that made me laugh (like the end of episode 2), but overall it's nothing special. Seems to be getting good reception in America though.

One thing I can't get over is the awful set design. It's like they raided the local IKEA. For example:


400 years in the future and this is how they weld chairs? Come on :D
4 episodes in and this is starting to be very good
Star trek spoof doesn't really describe this show, its sci-fi with a bit of comedy

As an avid fan of star trek , I think this is way better than the 2 episodes
of start trek discovery that have been aired

How is it not a Star Trek spoof? They've copied the intro, theme music and uniforms. Most the stories and moral dilemmas are just rehashed and simplified versions of something from The Next Generation. Star Trek spoof is the perfect description.

And I really don't get the hate for Discovery. Seems to mostly be from die hard fans that can't accept they're trying something new and refreshing the brand. I think it's been great so far and I'm just happy Star Trek is finally back on TV
How is it not a Star Trek spoof? They've copied the intro, theme music and uniforms. Most the stories and moral dilemmas are just rehashed and simplified versions of something from The Next Generation. Star Trek spoof is the perfect description.

And I really don't get the hate for Discovery. Seems to mostly be from die hard fans that can't accept they're trying something new and refreshing the brand. I think it's been great so far and I'm just happy Star Trek is finally back on TV

Your right!
I liked the first episode as it came across like the "spoof" it was intended to be but by episode 4 it had really started to take itself way too seriously (transgender baby with feminism plot, crew torture, slavery/zoo) and left the comedy out, which was, for me anyway, a huge disappointment as it became a "normal" sci-fi show with a few gags thrown in.
I only watched first episode and decided nope, barely smiled, I haven't minded his comedy for most part loved both ted films and early family guy.

Not a clue with what he was attempting with this
Meh, it's weird, as before, the comedy is missing it's mark and really very badly, while it's also trying to take itself so seriously. It's trying to be full on TNG, but then Mr potato head as a joke rather than something witty and genuinely funny. Firefly is serious with great comedic moments, great jokes and great acting, this is TNG with terrible slapstick SNL style jokes thrown in of which at least 50% miss the mark.

If you look at it from a serious show it's too serious. TNG, or DS9, any of the series, they would have a transgendered, or a time travel, or a this or that episode, but it's one of many normal episodes, normal enemies of the federation or a political mission, whatever, then have these big moralistic episodes every now and then. Orville is basically a cherry picked TNG series where it's plucking out all the 'heavy' story lines and doing them one after the other which feels very heavy handed and makes it way more serious than a spoof should be. I said early on, it was sold as a spoof, but it's coming across like Macfarlane selling the network on a spoof but absolutely just wanting to do a Star Trek series in the normal style. It's a show that isn't committing to what it is and it's missing the mark badly for both types of show.

Acting has been pretty abysmal so far. It's not bad, it's just not good at all. If it wants to be TNG but funny, it would work a million times better with a more serious cast, more serious characters who have great comedic lines a la Firefly, you could easily do Firefly in the same vein with less serious (rape/eat your face off) moments and more comedic moments in a TNG type universe. The mix is just so far wide of being great, meh jokes, SNL/spoof film quality set/cgi/acting, attempting to be pure TNG in story writing but the story writing is also weak.
the problem with MacFarlane shows is MacFarlane himself - i find him highly irritating and for some reason he thinks he's an actor.
Well I'm out. Just can't get into it really. I don't find much funny barring the Slime, and the recent Mr.Potatohead prank. I have a feeling the show has an identity crisis because it isn't really funny, therefore what is it trying to establish itself as?
Just watched the first episode and I really enjoyed it! Okay it' silly and some of the jokes do tank but it was fun and felt like it brought a more realistically human element to things than TNG did, where everyone acted very robot like (not just data!).
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