SETI@Home News Vol. 123 24th - 31st March 2011

What size is the fan? You might be able to throw another one on it, But must laugh at broken blades :D

Haven't got the foggiest what size the fan is i'll have to do some research.The system was down for ~36hrs due to being at work :mad: so just chucked it all back together today reinstalled and set it on its merry way again before coming to work. I'll just have to put up with the extra noise till i sort something out can't be letting edge get past me that easily now can i. He's gonna have to fight for it if he wants my place :p
I might have to throw another GPU in soon if only a 590 was reliable :(

Morning Mr Marine, yeah i know what you mean, i was really looking forward to these cards. Ok the price is big but so is the spec of the card, does the fact that it comes downclocked mean it will not clock as well as we would hope or was that nvidia just trying to keep the tdw or whatever it is at an acceptable level?

I know one blew up on some review but can't say i have seen a rash of those kind of events, might still be tempted if the price edges down a little more.:)
I think it's a combo of both :( Plus if i wanted one I can't my car is finished now and ready for the road so need to fork out a few bob on that not on my rig which is getting old now :(
Woohoooo! car is done eh nice one get it on the road then you can set about a new gpu in time. It aint that old you got the gigabyte ud3 and 930 bundlethingummywhatsit about the same time as me didn't you....ok maybe ayear old "max" :)
Oooooo! Toxic news :eek:

Might have to move the farm back to seti as Einstein is eating 2Gb a day downloads:(
2Gb a day !! Be grand to have the muliplexcpu23septillion thingummywotsit and yourself back here. Lets face it anything besides Seti....well it's just not worthy :D!!
Most excellent news toxic well done s'ah..

Don't encourage Ba, I was enjoying trying to build up a lead while he was distracted and hopefully catch Reaver.
Im sort of happy with my machine, no ramdom reboots and the power issues seeem to have gone away since the rebuild, I wonder if I was pushing the clocks too much on my 470/480's. I have left the 480 @ 701 and have a very light oc at 650 on the 470's and everything has been rock solid. Think it's time to upset the applecart and try a bit harder on the 470's :D
Wow it only seems like yesterday when you were on about the rebuild Mr Edge sah, did you get a new case/mobo in the end? Seems to be paying off for you with the stable clocks.....but you know your going to be pushing em a bit harder 725 on the 470's and 765 on the 480 mmmmm just drag that slider to the right lol :eek::D
Still the same mobo/case...
It has been running really well for the last 3 weeks so will try and push 1 card at a time and leave it to run. One of them is causing problems, so will take it slow and try and find which one.
I suspect the 480, but only as those cards were pushing the limit before even attempting an overclock. I did have the 470's upto 775, but maybe that was a tad optimistic.
If I can those clocks a bit higher it will be a bonus, but stabilty is key as I still have that 4th gpu slot to fill and if my rig stays stable this month then I think it might be time to finally fill it up next month...
Im thinking a 460 or maybe a 470 to complete the set :D
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Ahhhh the unmistakeable rumblings of upgradeitus it's still alive and well! Well you know what to do before you fill up, am going to let money matters settle for a month or so before i do the honours with mine, am chomping at the bit now for some monstrous addition to the spare bedroom ;)

**Don't you just love High Priority Astropulse tasks .. grrrrr**
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Been a while since i spotted 4 people producing 60,000 per day plus nice going guys!! :D

I .... errr well i am slacking but will get there :)
i think i need to steal that picture, don't think i have ever been top of the RAC pile before..... others must be slacking, although you got to love 480's, 35k for a single card and sandybridge cpu.
The search continues


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