SETI@Home News Vol. 135 18th - 24th June 2011

I know most of you seemd to be unaffected by issues at Seti at the moment but they seem to be having some kind of routing problems.
There is a thread on the message boards "He problems" where they are asking for people to do a few ping and tracert and post the results in the hope of nailing the problem.
I just spent half an hour doing my bit, clicked "post to thread" and yup you guessed it showed "down for maintenance".
When it comes back online and if you have the time could you guys give it a go, don't forget to slip TeamOcUk in there somewhere just for show!!!
Uploads and downloads have been hit and miss for me with no more than 100 wu's since sunday, it seems as though my minor sulk made no difference and it is system wide :(
Thank You peeps :)
I've been pretty much down to a single rig for the past week.....

Issues with Mid Rig - can't seem to nail down the problem :(

If things carry on I'll probably be putting it on the BayofE and jumping straight to Sandybridge.

BTW TBag - nice PC Bling :) I don't have the pataince nor the time for such things - but luckily I do have a Shot Blast Facility, Powder Coating and oven facility at work should the urge arise :)

Powder coating facility you say hmmmm:)

I was going to go red for the case but cannot seem to find anywhere that does it. Its not a straight forward red it's candy apple red and that would require a fair few coats i think to get the right effect.

Sorry to hear your having problems with mid rig, what we could all do with is a full month of no pc hassles and a decent amount of work to get through i keep biting my lip itching to get going :mad::)
Blinking 'eck your closer than i thought very well done Mr Reaver sah.
Of course it might make a difference if i could actually get some work :rolleyes::)
Is every one still getting wu's or "no tasks available" have had 50-60 wu's in dribs n drabs since sunday ..... am feeling like a right slacker at the moment :eek::(
Glad a lot of peeps still have enough work to carry them over, hopefully the situation will be resolved soon. I 'errr seem to be folding for "the dark side" just to maintain ambient temps :)
i dont mean to gloat, but ive got lots of tasks for the first time in ages :D im now running at my highest output to date

i also realise i have just jinxed it!

:) Nice one as long as everyones getting fed some work, congrats on the skyrocketing output k3v well done.
Just in case a higher power is watching i wouldn't mention the J word, it's like .... well its like Mr Marine mentioning the C word (you know 4 wheels etc) guaranteed goes screwy straight after :eek:;):D
On your marks, get set ... first one to post a screenie of wu's received after 7pm gets a mystery prize me am off to console myself with a gallon of Ben & Jerry ....burp.
Splitters are splittiing and you know those heavy handed folks across the pond are doing their bit for repetative strain injury ...... its every team for themselves go go go :eek::D
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need to see 'download finished' for the win.....:p


:D Seems seven tasks was it for me and i'm out of ice cream, you have a point 3 of mine are stuck and project backoff :(:)

Your welcome to the prize or you can nominate someone else to recieve it (i know i would) :D
I was actually joking when i said it looks liek 7 tasks is it but evidently it is.
Not so much as a sniff now despite over 100,000 wu's ready showing the same as you Mr Marine sah :(:(:(
Hmmm 70 odd wu's just trickled through, fingers crossed this keeps up for all of us :)

**Edit** hopefully its starting to even out and everyone will get wu's today its steady enough at the minute :)

Happy day :D

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